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11-21-2003, 04:18 PM
Since Im going thru a lot of Seachem Prime (I have chloramines in my tap water), $80cdn is a drain on the wallet! So, where can I buy Seachem Prime the cheapest!

Big Al's - $80cdn 2L
J&L Aquatics - $50cdn 2L :o :o :o

Anyone else have a better price (Canadian please)?

11-21-2003, 04:57 PM
Ronca this is probably a stupid question but have you looked into getthing something else like Chlorm-X? I think that removes chlormine.

There is a post on the water works that explains is all. It would save you alot more money.

11-21-2003, 06:02 PM
Really! Thanks Henry! I'll look into it! ;)

Like Wow!

5lb ChlorAm-X for $70US treats 21120G!
2L Prime treats 2500G!

Anyone use this stuff yet?

Like wow wow!
I already found a place in Canada that sells it! ;D

April! Maybe you can check these guys out sometimes! :-*

I also found this:
It seems that the AquaScience Research Group that invented this ClorAm-X also invented AmQuel!

Read the Fourth Answer! I mentions that called AmQuel ClorAm-X? Am I reading this correctly?

11-21-2003, 08:20 PM
Discus George has it for sale too. I belive Jason tried some.

11-21-2003, 08:36 PM
I can sell you the 5lb container for $50.00 or the 10lb for $95.00 Price does not include shipping charges. This stuff works great, I been using it for quite some time now. I can also get the 55lb container also but shipping may get a little expensive. Send me an address and I can get you a quote on shipoping the 10lb container to Canada if you like. I have a full one now but I am sending it out Saturday morning.

11-22-2003, 01:09 AM
Couldn't you just age your water with areation to remove the chloromines? Also, in the fish lab at UBC, we have used thiosulfate to remove the chlorines from the tap water. Maybe you can try that? Althought I am not sure what you can get it. Sorry.

11-22-2003, 02:02 AM
Roncra that place you gave me the link for in abbotsford carries the thiosulfate in big sacks. also you too mykiss. roncra.....once again that link is lost to me as i lost everything on my hard drive!!!!
that wont remove the chloramines thought. only the chlorine i believe.
but.......running a cycled sponge on your stored water conatiner will break down the chloramines i think??? Pat_in_Nc worked on that same problem.....so maybe ask him what he did. i believe thats what he came up with as the prime was too costly. amquel crashes our ph here in vancouver.......unless you get the dry one. so....mykiss dont try it.
theres a warning on the back of the container toward the bottom.
warning do not use on alkaline unstable water.
well let me and everyone know how that chloram x works out.

11-22-2003, 02:12 AM
I've been using Chloram-X for almost a year now, and I LOVE IT! I have 3 1/2-4ppm of chloramine in my water, which I understand is pretty high. I have killed a couple of tank fulls of fry almost instantaneously because I forgot to add the Chloram-X, but when I do put it in my water change water, the fish thrive. You just got to make sure it dissolves and mixes for a minute before you start using the water, as it doesn't mix into solution as fast as Prime or other liquid dechloriminators. I buy mine from Jehmco at about $42 US. Don't know what it would be in Canada. I've talked to the guy that invented Amquel and Chloram-X, and he gave me the formula for reconstituting the Chloram-X to the liquid state. Can make it the same as Amquel, or even stronger. Let me know if you're interested, as I can send it to you. I just use it dry. It's by far the most bang for the buck. :D
Lance Krueger

11-22-2003, 02:27 AM
What's the big deal? $80 CDN is like $0.50 US isn't it?


11-22-2003, 02:31 AM
Randall.....our money is catching up!!! LOOKout usa april can now buy all the pretty fishies in usa for a decent price!!! we shall overtake yet!!

Mr. Limpet
11-22-2003, 04:29 PM
The 5 lb. bucket from JehmCo is around $25 US. I just switched over and love it. It makes 20 pints of Amquel equivalent, which sells for around $8 a pint. That is a huge savings for me. I also have 3 ppm of Chloramines and the fish didn't seem to notice the change over at all. Paul.

11-24-2003, 12:24 PM
I wish that my tap water only contained chlorine! ;)

Aeration will not dissapate chloramines unless I aerate for like 1-2 weeks (cities use chloramines actually for that reason, it does not dissapate as quickly as chlorine)! When using thiosulfate, it breaks the chlorine and ammonia bond but leaves the ammonia in a toxic form I believe! I would have to 'cycle' my holding barrels to get rid of the ammonia (I wonder how much ammonia will actually be present since I have no nitrates even after 3 days without water change)! In any event, I will not even try to do a wc without detoxifing the ammonia! So, I'll left with using a conditioner that treats the chloramines plus detoxifies the ammonia! ;)

Thanks George! I'll send you an pm with my address! My concern is getting it across the border! Can you send the list of ingredients that I may compare it with the restricted drug list! You would not believe how much stuff is restricted. There are soooo many meds that we can not get across the border!

Pretty close! I think is like $0.55US now! LOL! Its getting better as Canada is preparing to buy out you guys soon! Dont you know that we are getting a different Prime Minister soon! He use to be our Finance Minster before! And he speaks English without an accent! LOL! ;)

PS - Btw, I think that we are getting another National holiday! Well, at least a Provinal perhaps! Its on December 13! Why? Our beloved (much sarcasism) Prime Minister Jean Chretien is retiring on that day! ;D

Well now! I did go to the Seachem site! Their doseage is 1ml treats 10G! So, if I buy 2l (2000ml), I should be able to treat 20000G ($0.004Cdn/G)! :o Hmmmm! This is confusing because Big Als doseage is different on their website plus Im sure that the 2L bottle says right on it "treats 2500G"!