View Full Version : Salt + Coppersafe=???

11-21-2003, 07:23 PM
recently most of the fish in my 65g caught ick. I have a 10g hospital tank but cannot fit all my fish in there. So I had to treat the entire 65g with coppersafe, since it would cost too much to treat with Maracide. Before adding the Coppersafe I did a 30% water change. Now it appears the ick has gotton worse. My Snakeskin appears to have in more dots on him. But none of them are white, it looks like ick but its the same color as him. I was thinking I should have added salt instead of coppersafe. Is it still too late to add salt. And if not how much should I add

11-21-2003, 07:31 PM
Many external parasites can be killed by raising the temp alone.
94F for 10 days.

In discus temps (84F) you shouldn't have ich. If you have the temp there, then its a different parasite.

You can get a copper removing resin to get the copper out. Or many wc's.
I prefer not to use copper products.

Salt and heat are best. you can use noniodized salt up to 1 talblespoon/1 gallon. I would get the copper out first.


11-21-2003, 08:05 PM
Maricide is pretty cheap, no? Frank ???