View Full Version : Filtration for Breeder Tank

11-28-2003, 12:46 AM
Hey guys,

I'm new here and just starting to work with a couple of dicus of mine that have paired off. I am planning on using a 30 gallon tank with a sponge filter.

My question on the sponge filter was is there a certain brand thats better than others? and Is there a certain power of air pump that I should use?

Another question was whether it is worth it to set up a box filter for when there are no babies in the tank.


11-28-2003, 02:06 AM
Hey Kevin,

Welcome to SimplyDiscus!!

I personally use the Hydrosponges in my tanks. A Hydrosponge #5 would do nicely in a 30 gal. tank. I know many on the board use the Bio-Foam sponges and swear by them. They actually attach to the glass using suction cups so no food gets trapped underneath. Either would do well for you.

Try www.jehmco.com for Hydro-sponges and www.petsolutions.com or
www.superiordiscus.com for Bio-Foam sponges.

I wouldn't bother with a box filter. A small back hanging power filter would be more suitable and most likely less costly. I use Aquaclear 200's now in my breeding tanks. They are simple and reliable and you can actually choose what types of media to put in them. I would go for the bio sponge media and avoid carbon. I have also gotten into the habit of turning off my power filter when I notice my fish spawning. Although I have no hard evidence to back it up, I feel that stronger currents caused by the power filter can wash away the males sperm and lower hatch rates. Again, just something that I personally do. Just make sure you turn it back on within an hour or so or you will kill your nitrifying bacteria.

If you have read some of the other posts on here, you will notice that I am also just starting to poke around with breeding Discus. Breeding is a whole different ball game than merely keeping Discus. My fish and I still have much to learn. Experience and this site are the best way to do just that. Listen to what the people on this board say; particularly the administrators. They know their hobby well and are a veritable treasurechest of knowledge.

good luck!!