View Full Version : 1,000,000L (264,172G) Fish Tank

12-03-2003, 06:04 PM
You are not going to believe this! I want one like this! Just imagine how many discus you can get in there!

http://www.domaquaree.de/index.php?SESSIONID=efc7be08b16fbae661a9261e18a3d1 66&Action=showDomaquaree_Aquarium

http://www.domaquaree.de/index.php?SESSIONID=efc7be08b16fbae661a9261e18a3d1 66&Action=showDomaquaree

You can also see a video clip of this massive fish tank here:
Left hand side under Reuters TV - One-Million Liter Aquarium! You will see the dream job, scuba divers feeding the fish! LOL!

Check out the company that does this stuff! (Maybe we can get Al and Ryan one of these for Christmas)

There is a project in Winnipeg in Club Regent Casino! And to think that I have been to Winnipeg a number of times without knowing this! :(

12-14-2003, 09:29 AM
lol how many discus do you think you could get in that tank 1,000 more or less.
thanx jarryd

P.S i want one lol.