View Full Version : Brand New Wigglers Today

12-07-2003, 09:03 PM
Hi everyone. Just a quick qestion. I got some new wigglers today and took out the Female. She is unpredictable when it comes to not eating her babies. I would like to know how soon can I start feeding brine shrimp so I can take out the Male? I don't trust him either. Thanks, Les

:) :D :) :D

12-07-2003, 09:06 PM
I'm sorry but didn't explain very well, they are actually freeswimming today, not wigglers. Thanks, Les

It is a fairly small bunch. Approx. 60, all over both sides of DAD.

>:( >:( >:( >:(

12-07-2003, 09:25 PM
The earliest I've been able to feed bbs is Day 4 free swimming. Even then, the frys are usually getting most of their nutrition from the parental slime. Fish at that stage are extremely fragile. I recommend you keeping them with the parent at least until Day 11.

Note that it takes a couple of trys before they'll feed on bbs. They won't all feed the first time.


12-08-2003, 06:04 AM
hey lwarctic
if the dad starts eating the fry you can try puting foster parents in i have not done it before but other people i now have and they have had sucess.
if they are freeswimming you should start feeding them bbs if they eat it there stomack will become pink or orange. mostly i agree with willy but don't try to hard the parent will stop eating the fry sooner or later. if dads coat of slime gets to thin he will get sick and the fry will not stop eating from him if he is in the tank so if he looks sick pull him out.

thanx jarryd