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12-02-2004, 01:51 AM
Thats great to hear Kerry, well done. I'm not sure April heard you, she was asking about tiny alenquers coming to Canada....lol.

12-02-2004, 04:08 AM
Rod, im so happy - i love those alencers - your grandkids! im so STOKED !

No way theyre going to Canada - unless of course we reach a very high price !!!! Which, i think theyll be worth every dollar!

Hows Timmy and Jemma - i miss them terrribly - do you have ' buy back facilties'


12-02-2004, 12:28 PM
Kerry Kerry Kerry...you know they will have to come to Canada eventually...i'll just wait...a bit..they will come. you will overflow with alencers in oz..and they will have to immigrate to a new country. I'll promise them the world at their feet or somethin.

12-03-2004, 05:02 PM
OK Pril, i give in - ill send you a fish - here it is.

Like it?


12-03-2004, 07:29 PM
no thanks..i will pass. their eyes will pop with the pressure of the quantas plane.

12-05-2004, 10:24 PM
Geez Pril, youre hard to please. Well how about a true Aussie fish direct from the Great Barrier Reef? You could set a nice tank up in your shop window - im sure this fella would attract lots of customers.


12-06-2004, 04:35 AM
hes ugly as sin. hes just as ugly as our flounders. or worse..nah..you can keep him.

12-06-2004, 08:07 AM
just thought i'd pop back in and say g'day! i hope everyone has been well. my discus are all growing nicely and doing well. there are some recent pics in the photo section if you want to take a gander.

hope everyone has a great christmas....i'll try harder to drop in more often and catch up with everyone.


12-22-2004, 12:17 AM
Hi all

Guess everyone's knocking themselves out for the CHristmas season. Hope you've remembered special treats for the fishies. Mine are going to receive a whole heap of brine shrimp I'm busily hatching.

BTW - those in Sydney - has anyone noticed a drop in water quality very recently? I age my water for quite a while prior to changes, but I have had a few problems with eyes lately and my lfs man swears it's the water (well, at least we still have some I guess).

Have a great Christmas all, and happy discus-ing into the new year.


12-22-2004, 05:23 AM
Yes, to everyone, a great Christmas, and a discus filled New Year!!!!

(oh and greetings from the reindogs below, I thought they would look cute on our Xmas card this year, the shorthaired pointer hasn't quite got the happy Christmas look though!)

12-22-2004, 05:24 AM
and ...

12-22-2004, 06:55 PM
Hi everyone,

Well another xmas is here all ready, where did all the time go?

I hope everyone enjoys a good break with your families and friends and everyone gets the presents they want.

merry xmas to all


12-24-2004, 08:12 AM
Merry Christmas everyone.
We have been busy expanding here (still). We have stopped breeding for the moment probably till early February. When we are finished I will post some pics.

All the best

12-24-2004, 02:36 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

12-28-2004, 02:36 PM
ok..xmas is over..get off those beaches..and report in. hope everyone had a great xmas. the weather is cold here..and ive been getting lots of little discus eggs. now..to see if any of them have the whim to actually raise their kids. my alencer has herself a new man i got from Cary..and they are both attcking the glass..telling me to get lost. and..their still not even one day old eggs. so its looking good. think she approves of her new mans protective instincts. her last wigglers got devoured..by her last laxadaisical husband. obviously good parenting doesnt rub off on siblings..as it was her son..who paired with her and ate the kids. lol. he had a great protective mother.
well..hope santa made it downunder..its a long ways for reindeers and sleighs to travel..and landing on the rooftops with no snow..but be rough on the sled. im sure he needed to stop at a servo to replace the runners by the time he was done in oz.

12-28-2004, 06:05 PM
Ok, Im off the beach and back from holiday activities. I stayed at the Marriott here in Surfers Paradise for Xmas but i wanna move in permanently !

The pool is like a beach and you swim with the Marine fish in it, but when i move in Im converting it to fresh water and takin my fish with me - hope Brutie doesnt bite my toes while Im swimmin.

Hope everyone had a nice Xmas - I got a couple of new fish from Rod, gotta clean him out before April does !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-29-2004, 02:48 AM
one of these days..you gotta take me there..Kerry...sounds like fun to me..hope the waters as warm as a bathtub..or no swimming for me. lol

12-29-2004, 03:41 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone....

Weather here is VERY HOT, HUMID and WET..... so I think Santa had really rough time.... Ella scored very well nonetheless. She got a jumping castle, beach toys, a little music jukebox, and other little bits and pieces. Scott and I bought some books for ourselves for christmas, and I got a few adenium bonsai too... I wished I can get some fishie but it is a lot more complicated.

Anyway, our little babies had babies and we decided to keep them and raise them up to see what it is like to raise them here. They are in the outside tank. Only about 15 survived, as mum kept on eating them, so we put her back in the big tank and left the babies with dad. Well, they are ready to be on their own soon.... as they are starting to wonder around and eat some brine shrimp. We are already taking orders from people around town that is interested in discus.... well, at least 2 orders....lol.

Well... I guess they are sort of my christmas discus.... until I get bigger ones from Rod.... Next time, Rod... you can't go anywhere when I am in Bne....!!!

Regards, Ari :)

12-29-2004, 04:31 PM
hi Ari. glad you had a nice xmas. guess no skiing for the holidays eh?
i was thinking of you when i heard about the tsunami. hoping your parents were safe. hope all is well with them.
have a good new years. April
time to post an update picture of little Ella. : )

01-02-2005, 04:27 PM
Happy new year to all or you. : ) us canucks finally made it to the new year. just a bit after all you aussies.. you guys have a good jump start on the new year.

01-02-2005, 10:18 PM
Happy new year to you all...

Everything is good in Jakarta and Java too... It is a bit further away from the earthquake, so it should be ok... as long as the earthquakes don't keep on travelling east on the fault line.

Here is a new photo of Ella. She is now 18 months old. I can't believe it!!!! Where does the time go??

Regards, Ari :)

01-03-2005, 12:02 AM
Happy new year everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ari, that little gal is gonna be a real heartbreaker ! Shes so gorgeous Ella - i remember she was still in your belly when you Scott visited me !!!


01-03-2005, 02:33 PM
thanks for the pic Ari . she is just sooooooooo cute. shes turning into a little girl now..not a baby. i remember when you couldnt understand why you were so tired..lol. time for the next one.....lol.
glad your family are find Ari .

01-04-2005, 10:39 PM
Better watch her when shes older Ari - youll be fighting to keep all the boys chasing after her !!!;)

Hows the weather up there Ari? Its very hot and humid down here - good discus spawning weather I think, got 3 pairs laying eggs everywhere :rolleyes:

Im gonna be shuffling fish this weekend - Ive just been over and got a perspex barrier so Ill stick 2 pairs in the 5 foot - the rest can fight it out the community tank !!!

Say hi to Scott for me !


01-13-2005, 10:50 AM

What a sweetheart !!!!!! Great genes !!!!! She looks just like you !!!


01-13-2005, 09:50 PM
Thanks everyone,
Ella is a little sweetheart - definitely daddy's little girl. She is trying to throw a tantrum every now and then - but normally she is a good girl. Everyone kept on asking me about having another one too, April..... Hhhmm, maybe later....lol.

Thanks Jack... for saying she looks like me. Almost everyone thinks that she looks exactly like Scott, poor thing... (lol).

VERY HOT and WET!!! Gosh, we only had 3-4 days of sun since before christmas. My garden seemed to like it though... everything grows like crazy, including the weeds.... So, when are you coming to visit??

02-22-2005, 12:40 AM
Hey - I must have dozed off. Where is everyone???

Well, I'm still up to my armpits in water changes and a new batch of BT's are slowly coming along, this time with another mummy (don't ask me - they made the switch). With the temperatures at current levels, it won't matter if we have more power outages, which decimated the last batch (although I still have a dozen young adults from the first spawning).

What's everyone else up to???

02-24-2005, 01:57 AM
yeah whats up with those aussies then? hi Kenoz...guess they all melted in the heat . wheres my cattle prod?
well hope everyone is ok..
report in..if your not melted.

02-24-2005, 11:29 PM
OK - Ive been asleep - LOL. Well I had an underactive thryoid gland on top of the flu, I was noddin' off all the time - Im on "thyroid stay awake pills" now, so Pril Im happy to say one of your cows is back - dunno about the rest of the Aussie herd.

Havent got much to report, Brutie and discus are fine - Geoff (Multiclone) gave me another discus a few weeks ago - her names Leela (after Geoffs daughter) - shes tryin to crack onto to Pidge (my big male PB) but he doesnt want her, but shes a nice fish.

Heres her pic!

Kerry (one of Prils cows!)

02-25-2005, 05:00 AM
Hi guys,

I think we are all trying to cope with the strange weather, 35 degrees at 3 in the afternoon, by 7 down to 15 and wild weather setting in!! Not every day I admit but a bit too often this "summer" Survived my first major power outtage a few weeks ago - off for about 15 hours. Had to rush home from work on that occasion to mop the house out, all the windows were open because of the heat and a major thunderstorm was blowing water in through the windows and hitting the opposite walls! Still we can't complain about not having any water this year!

It has been very quiet on the simply Australian special place. Hope everyone is okay and all fish are well.

02-27-2005, 03:52 AM
Hi all,

It's good to see so many Aussies keeping discus! I am a beginner and after the 8 discuses i had grew old and died 2 years ago I gave it a break due to uni but I want to start keeping again. Problem is, I used to buy my discuses from an uncle of mine who is no longer breeding fish. So my question is, where can I get some baby discuses in Brisbane for a reasonable price?

Thanks all,


02-27-2005, 04:25 AM
Try Rod Lewis he is in Brisbane I have pm his phone number to you.


02-28-2005, 08:58 PM
i second the Rod Lewis. cant go wrong..beautiful fish from a great discus hobbyist whos completely dedicated and a great help. i even have his discus in canada. : ) welcome to simplydiscus by the way. glad you found the aussie section

03-14-2005, 01:27 AM
hi guys, long time no post....

just wanted to say hi to everyone and make sure everyone is well.

i almost got completely out of discus not long ago but i still have a few left. here is a link to my most recent additions,


anyway, chat to you soon


03-14-2005, 01:12 PM
Hi Everyone, wow aussie 3, what an effort....who'd have thought it'd go this far?!

Sorry that i have not posted much lately, been very busy with work and wc etc...and now with all the xmas breakup stuff happening its hard to find much spare time :(

Rod :)
Hey Rod - great to find an Aussie on the net with discus. where are you from?. I am from Wagga Wagga, NSW.

03-15-2005, 06:49 PM
Hi Marg,

I live up here in Brisbane.

Welcome to the simply discus, great to see another aussie about.


03-16-2005, 12:00 AM
Hallo all,

Been a while since I posted, and now I have some news!

Baby discus in my community tank! I'm stoked ;-)

I've been getting lots of eggs laid by two pairs. The big alpha RT and Columbia the SW have been on one corner, and one of Zoids' BD (f) and a locally bred RM on the opposite corner.

The BD / RM pair have been particularly active of late, usually laying eggs every week. The eggs were going while and they'd start over.

However, it looks like the last bunch must have at least partially hatched! This morning I noticed ~30 babies swimming around the BD, maybe 3mm long. They look very active, and have been on her all day. No sign of feeding from the RM yet, but they seem *real* happy with how their mum tastes ;-)

Anyways, I will try to get some photos up soon. Unfortunately they've done all this in a fairly nasty corner of the tank, with lots of filamentous green algae. So the pics don't look great, but you can see the babies at least ;-)


03-16-2005, 05:42 AM
Hello everyone...

I was wondering what is happening... Nothing is new with me.. except we just got hit by CYCLONE!!!!!! It was category 4 when it hit us early Saturday morning around 1-2 am.... The eye missed us by 15 km, which is not very much. Lucky, otherwise it would've taken our roof off - with the maximum wind gust of 260km/h. Well... it was rather scary.... The house, car & people survived... although my beautiful lush garden took a lot of beating.... Oh well, I guess it will grow back. We spent last weekend, cleaning debris... and this weekend too, from the look of it. Lots of trees has come down, including a tree in the neighbour's yard which took half of our gingers with it... 'Doh!!

At present, we had no beach left... The swell was phenomenal, but we are far away enough from the beach... so no worries then.... Feel sorry for the aboriginal community near Darwin that got hit recently by the same cyclone Ingrid though.... They suffered a lot more damage than us.....

Tried to call you twice, but no answer.... When are you working, again?

Regards, Ari :)

03-16-2005, 06:08 AM
Hi Ari,

Glad to hear you and Scott and Ella are ok, i was really worried when the cyclone was heading straight for you. Ingrid is one persistent lady, straight through Qld, then NT, now its hammering WA.

I'm working weekends and mondays mostly, home the rest of the time but prob buried in the fish shed or chasing a little white ball...lol. I've got a mobile now (sue bought it for me as a pressie, but i think it was a pressie for herself...lol), 0405 253 533.

Hi John, great news about the pair and the babies. Should be interesting babies i think, i used to have a pair of golden pb and bd and got some very nice looking babies from them. I think rm x should be even nicer.

03-20-2005, 04:25 AM
hi Xen and Marg..and Ari/scott/ella. and Rod. : )
im sure glad that cyclone left your roof on your house Ari. think ill stick to canada.
Heh Marg..have a look at Rods webpage. www.lewisdiscus.com he has nice fishies to look at. : )
hope your little babies do well Xen. if they are caring for these guys..time to give them their own breeding tank. its all great fun watching the fry on the parents. cant get enough of watching them care for them.

04-01-2005, 02:25 PM
Hi Folks,

Glad to hear you all are doing okay to consider the cyclone left plenty folks homeless and/or dead. You got my regards.

Also, has anyone seen or heard from Kerry (Yippy)? Let me know. I'd like to know all is well with my bird and plant friend from downunder.

Take good care and have a great day.

04-01-2005, 04:32 PM

Kerry's fine, i speak to her on the phone often. She's been hectic lately with work but i'm sure she'll pop in to say hi now and again.


04-01-2005, 10:14 PM
hi angie..welcome to simply downunder. lol.
ill summon her..i usually find her..but havent for a bit..of course i think i keep missing her..those aussies have their watches set a bitoff.. ive tried to get them to synchronize....so we match..but..they're digging their heels in!!
this could be the time..to get it all worked out..time change this weekend!!
come on rod..humor me.
only good thing is..when he ships fish say on a monday morning to me..i get them about the same time or an hour different the same monday morning. : ) so..they are only in transit for an hour. (insert eye rolling emoticon)

04-01-2005, 11:05 PM
Oh, No!!! LOL, :D that's funny, April. :D 24-hours seems like one hour flight for those poor fishies uh? :D Glad to know you folks have contact to one another and heard from her. Let the Kerry la Berry know I remembered to her. I'm often in contact with Ronny so that's as much Aussie biz I get. :D

Hey April you're overhead of me. No snowballs now. okay? Don't want any. Our weather has been fine. We're expecting heavy flooding rains beginning tonite (friday for us) into the entire weekend. Not good for many already.

Take care..

04-02-2005, 11:34 AM
no snow here..Angie..we rarely get snow. we're on the coastline. we had daffodils etc popping up early february. well hope you dont get flooded out..now rain i know. rain rain go away..come back another day.
ill hunt that wayward aussie down for you.

04-28-2005, 05:37 AM
Wow, no posts in a while. Well after our move to Adelaide the BB discus tank has been transformed to a low-light planted tank with Rams and A. cactuoides. I want some Keyholes for it too.

I am thinking of a bigger tank for Discus there is a 8x2x2 tank with filters heaters and stand in the paper. Should I buy it...maybe I'll ask Emma if I can get it $930!

04-28-2005, 11:34 PM
sure..mattrox..go ahead. lol. i love encouraging people to buy tanks.

05-26-2005, 03:37 AM
hello strangers

unfortunately the football player, tennis players, piano players, guitar players ballet dancer, and horse rider, in my family have got the better of me and i no longer have the time to devote to my fish, except at 8.30 sunday night or 9.00 midweek, after the little darlings have gone to bed.

so check out my for sale add in the buy sell section for some pick up in brisbane discus (as well as a breeding pair of bristlenose catfish), a tank some lovely driftwood, heaters flouro lights, filters etc, etc.

i will resume again another day but for now, i have to take a break from them


09-09-2005, 04:43 AM
Hi Mattrox,

did you get your 8'?

09-09-2005, 09:22 AM
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the aussies and canozian have resurfaced.

Pril, youre a grandma again - lol - cary the BD has about 200 or more wriggling kids !!!!!!!!! Should be free swimming in about 2-3 days so Ill post pics.

Uncle Rod......................help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont let me and cary end up in the pub again - lol. hows about i swap cary and the YB for my Timmy and jemma back;)

09-10-2005, 04:42 AM

you're still alive, thought the canadians had kidnapped you!

09-11-2005, 05:00 PM
LOL Lesley - Im still alive !!!

Altho - April is kidnapping me in December for xmas - all booked and paid for my trip. Leave here december 16th - but we're going to New York and a few other places first. Prils making me a nice turkey dinner - we're usually floating round our pool at xmas from the heat so itll be a nice change !!!

Hows things down your way - its starting to get hot here already.


09-16-2005, 10:13 AM
Hey... April.... that was supposed to be my holiday.... if Ella did not pop out..

Anyway, just moved again!!! To Darwin this time. Gove did not work out as we planned, so we move west to Darwin. Took all my fish, although some of them are getting old... so have to get some more from my mate down in Brisbane... :), to replace some that on their way out.

And yes.... I am pregnant again!! Wondering why sometimes myself... About 21 weeks now... the baby is healthy... and very active. Scott was hoping that it will be a boy this time. Just have to wait and see because we decided not to know again.

I love being in civilization again. Gove was ok, but so far away from everything and too expensive to get fish.... Now, we are in Darwin, I can get dangerous again!!! :) :) :). So Rod, what fish is good???

Talking about hot, try coming to Darwin!!! We don't get free electricity here, unlike in Gove, so I can't turn the AC 24 hours a day.... Make sure you bring lots of winter woolie too..... it will be freezing in Canada. BTW, are you doing the white christmas thing??

Regards, Ari :)

snake skin
10-13-2005, 07:03 AM
excuse my french but sh*t i didnt think ay other true blu aussies were in to keeping discus well from me a big hi to all :D :)

10-13-2005, 08:56 AM
Just like a typical aussi who's strong point is not foreign language. Teh frecn dont say 'sh*t :p

Well you need us Kiwis to point out the obvious now don't ya. LOL

Jason :)

10-15-2005, 01:11 AM
Heh...snakeskin..theres tons of very dedicated discus keepers down under. the best and most dedicated..is Rod in brisbane. he has some of his pics in the photo gallery right now..the fish are to die for. as a matter of fact..his fish are so good..that ihave had them sent here twice to Canada. oh..im the token canuck here..who's a aussie wanna be. dont worry..ive been well trained on all the aussie lingo. lol. ive had exams given to me..to make sure im worthy of posting here. : ) i passed.
Ari..funny...i was just thinking of you..thinking...hmmm..wonder how ari and scott and little ella are. and it must be time for the next one soon.. well Congrats. and sounds to me that darwin will be a nice change. i know you missed your shopping...lol. Heh..if you get a chance..need an update on my little aussie niece. she must be looking like a little girl by now instead of a baby.
Yeah Ari...you were meant to come here. dont worry..ill drag kerry and her mother through some snowbanks for you..then she can report to you how cold and white it is. : ) YOu'll get here yet Ari..but guess it'll be awhile now...
Rod has lots of great fish right now..resembling my manas..alencer x's. finally...he got those guys going. so..better get a shipment up there before we clean him out once again. : )
Kerry.....if you read this..i am looking for you...not gonna wait till xmas to talk to you...been looking for you on msn..and cant find you. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. and..i lost your email..and your fone number..on computer changeovers.

10-17-2005, 01:12 AM
ok Kerry..times up on responding..im gonna call you..ifi dont find you on msn..scary thought eh?
heh..i think you guys need to go to a live hockey game when you are here..then..you can see the puck in action! great fun. go canucks go.

10-18-2005, 12:08 AM
Hi April,

Can't find any cheap tanks up here yet. I have to get some 4x2x2 before getting some more fishie from Rod. I did call him when we got to Darwin and hopefully he would keep some for me (Rod... please, pretty please....).

Here is a recent photo of Ella. She is 28 months now... definitely a little girl. So strong willed and also a chatterbox... Hhmm... can't shut her up now.

Have fun with Kerry at Christmas time... Make sure she has lots of winter gear. No... I won't be going to Canada for a while now :(. In fact, I won't be going anywhere for a while.

Regards, Ari :)

10-18-2005, 12:12 AM
cheeky one...

12-27-2005, 05:11 PM
where art all the aussies!!! happy christmas..and new years..and all that stuff. hope oz hasnt fallen off the map and sunk..calling all aussies..calling all aussies..

12-27-2005, 05:14 PM
Ari..shes still a little doll. but shes sure growing..whens that new addition coming?
Kerry wasnt able to come at xmas..but i did meet her mother and ironaunt..and saw a glimpse of a tiny little blonde aussie..and his parents.
I hope shes able to come in the spring. she will have to come..as she already bought all the warm clothing. unless shes gonna sit on the beach..with her winter woolies on.. lol.

12-27-2005, 06:04 PM
Ari! Look how big she's gotten! Wow, time flies. How have you been?


PS - Aussies, please don't shoot me... I know I'm not supposed to post in your thread, lol...

12-27-2005, 07:50 PM
heh ryan..if i can..and a canaussie..so can you. besides..your the big boss..who gave the mega space for the aussie threads!!you can be a usaussie. Aris gonna have another one now..Ryan. a little baby brother or sister for Ella.

12-29-2005, 01:40 AM
Well, not all the Aussies are asleep - Pril makes enough noise to wake most of us on the other side of the pond.

We've just moved house (yet again) to something much larger so I can have more tanks and larger ponds - if the boss allows it of course. Unfortunately the local bird life has already taken a shine to the koi ponds but the frogs have begun to settle in.

The discus just had a lot of trouble with intestinal worms and I didn't notice in time to save a few of the younger ones. So the breeding tank is ready to go again, and I'm fattening up a pair of SS and a cobalt male. Hopefully the splashing of little fins again soon.

Happy New Year all.

12-29-2005, 03:34 AM
Hello Ken nice to see you. glad your still playin discus.
Have a happy new year with lots of little fins and flippers flapping about . : )
could you send some of your sun up north a bit?? well..we do have a warm current right now from hawaii...but even warmer from oz would be great.
Me?? make noise?? lol.

12-29-2005, 04:46 AM
Hi All :)

Just had to say Hi

Didnt know there where so many Aussie on hear im down in wollongong south of sydney.
Im finding hard to find good discus down hear any other's know of any
good places??

12-29-2005, 08:41 AM
Hi All :)

Just had to say Hi

Didnt know there where so many Aussie on hear im down in wollongong south of sydney.
Im finding hard to find good discus down hear any other's know of any
good places??

Have you tried ordering some instead of looking in LFS'?
Rod Lewis ships and has some of the best discus around. OI! OI! OI!!!!!

12-29-2005, 10:30 PM
ill second that!! jason and i have gotten discus twice from him here in canada. hes a very dedicated hobbyist and breeder for many moons. about 20...getting old ...lol . ok not so old..but his fish just get better and better and better. fat and healthy. his username on the forum is Rod and he can be found with pics in the sponsor section.
send some sun over to us in canada will you? and heat?

01-10-2006, 07:44 PM
Sorry, did not reply for a while. The aussies are asleep, I am sure in the AC, as it is pretty hot at the moment... My baby is due in about a week time... yikes!! Scott and everyone were pretty sure that the baby was going to be a boy... me... after getting Ella wrong last time, I just want to wait and see...

She is definitely growing, although she won't be a big tall girl, I think. She got her mum's genes. She is now sleeping in a 'big girls' bed - as I have to prepare the cot for the new baby.... and she is so proud of herself. She definitely got a mind of her own and very independent. It is amazing to see her growing every day :).

Regards, ari :)

01-10-2006, 10:02 PM
heh..good luck on the delivery Ari..i say a boy. does he kick alot..act like a bad boy??
well tell the fridge to report in and tell us what we got. and of course..a pic.

05-16-2006, 06:11 AM
Where have all the aussies gone. I take a break from discus for a while and everyone has dissapeared. Is anyone there...

05-25-2006, 01:41 AM
I'm here still... though i don't frequent this board as much as i use too...

April do ya still remember me aka taybelZ.. we use to chat quite a bit on MSN back in the days ~

05-25-2006, 02:19 AM
hello there david. of course i remember you. hope all is well. do you still have discus? are you done school yet?
some of the aussies are still about..rod is..ari is..but busy with a new baby..theres others..kerry is..but a bit occupied at the moment.
ping is around still..who else? all you aussies..report in.

05-25-2006, 06:45 AM
i'm still here :D

05-27-2006, 06:18 PM
Hi April, this is my final year!!! ~yahoo

Still keeping discus, this guys actually come from Rod




05-27-2006, 07:44 PM
wow..those are very nice david..great job growing them..and i see you are still into the spots.
get them breeding.

05-28-2006, 10:15 AM
hehehe yup still love my spotted discus, fanatic memory you have April i'm impressed!

05-29-2006, 07:54 AM
hey hey everyone :)

new discus enthusiast here from melbourne! I'm 21 & am just about to set up my first discus breeding tank!

I've had discus before, albeit unsuccessfully due to my lack of knowledge.. hopefully this time I can improve and get some great results!

I've read some excellent information already so I'm looking forward to reading the forum more thoroughly!

Cheers :)


05-29-2006, 08:30 AM
Hi David if that first pair ever have babies you need to off load I am your girl!!!!!


05-29-2006, 01:45 PM
hi there benny. im NOT an aussie. lol. but they let me visit.
if you want to see some very nice discus in your own country..and start with healthy stock..go to sponsor page and check out lewisdiscus. hes your guy. : )
he ships. i think...

05-29-2006, 05:40 PM
Really nice David, you've done a great job with those discus.


05-31-2006, 07:26 AM
thanks april! i'm onto it!

Rod!! I'm having trouble accessing your site :(

06-01-2006, 09:00 AM
Hi Benny,

Sorry mate, site has been down for ages. Have i still got it advertised somewhere? I post pics here sometimes and when i've got some nice fish available i'll place an add in the sponcers section. Not much available atm, i've been renovating and not breeding much.

06-02-2006, 12:50 AM
Cheers Rod. When are you gonna have more stock? :)

06-02-2006, 04:31 AM
Benny, there are some very clean red and gold melons growing up. Give me a call in a month or so and i'll let you know whats happening.


3890 3108

06-03-2006, 10:30 PM
I am chasing some younge discus (4-5) for my planted display tank if any of the aussies know of some. I am in brissy but happy to get good quality fish shipped from around OZ. I am looking for scribbles, leopards, leopard snakes or some of the other spotted/ stripped colourful fishies. As this is for display in my lounge only I am more chasing fish that I really like the look of but I do not really like the all solid colour as I have had blue diamonds etc before.


06-05-2006, 01:38 AM
I pop in occasionally.

Ann I know your after juvies, but I will have some well priced adults for sale soon. I have pics if your interested.

3x alenquer
1x red turk
1x rose red
1x blue snakeskin

Originally from Rod.

06-05-2006, 02:41 AM
ill take those alencer crosses...tell rod april wants them..and tell him to send them to me.

06-05-2006, 12:57 PM
hello mates

i am leigh from melbourne, a brand-new newbie

nice to meet all the assies here

06-05-2006, 09:24 PM

Here's an interesting fish from my golden melons.

06-06-2006, 01:31 AM
wow super clean....nice fishes mate

hello everyone. long time no speak

i am taking a break from discus at the moment but will keep looking at al your beautiful fishes


06-06-2006, 06:01 PM
hi there matt. wow..no discus..whoa..well less wcs i guess.

06-06-2006, 06:14 PM
Nice Chuong, i also have found some variation in mine. Some even have fine red spots through the body especially the females.

06-06-2006, 06:15 PM

06-06-2006, 06:20 PM
one more

06-06-2006, 06:24 PM
something differnt

06-06-2006, 08:36 PM
your fishies need to go on a diet rod...they are far too healthy and well cared for.

06-06-2006, 08:37 PM
WOW Very interesting Rod. I'll take a pic of mine for comparison, they still don't appear to have any spots etc on the body.

It would be very interesting to see the fish Roy used to create them.

06-06-2006, 09:49 PM
Thanks April :D

Yes Chuong, take some updated pics, love to see how your golden melons have developed. Roy told me they are red melon x pure golden, but didn't mention what generation. Interestingly when i breed the golden melons together none of the fry show the pb gene (black dust) but when i cross golden melon back with red melon there are some pb types and pure clean ones as well. When i bought my group there were pb types (red melon) among them as they grew, so i'm guessing that Roy crossed to get these fish we bought and we are producing f2 generation.


06-12-2006, 10:12 PM
I too had a suspicion that these fish were the result of a cross.

Mine have developed a bit of red around the edges of the fins.

These are the males.

06-12-2006, 10:29 PM
same fish as above

06-12-2006, 10:30 PM
another male with a female of the left

06-14-2006, 05:45 AM
Very nice Chuong, i love the color of your males. Much yellower than mine. I must be to heavy handed with the color enhancers....lol. That could be the reason many of my females have red dots, my post above no 1594 is a male. He only has afew faint dots. Your female?? She looks red melon pattern? no face or fin markings? I have 2 males the same if she is.......:D, be a great breeding i would think :D

06-14-2006, 07:08 AM
Hey Rod and all,

Wow it's been a while since I last posted :(
Been very busy finishing off my last semester at uni and building a house.

Chuong and Rod what can I say, beaautiful :)

Unfortunately for myself no discus :( but I have some Uarus :)

I have a pair at the moment who have bred and have 10 little Uarus from them and they are breeding like rabbits these guys. Hopefully, once the exams are over (26th of June) I'll look in to getting some Discus. Actually, better wait till the house is done and I relocate my tanks. Then get some discus :)


06-14-2006, 09:34 PM
Good to see you here Ali. I have some juvies from them here to tempt you.

Rod your welcome to use these fish.

I'll try and get a pic of my females. None of them have striations.

06-15-2006, 04:47 AM
Hi Ali, How are you mate :) Awesome news about the uaru, congratulations. When you have some excess babies, let me know.

Chuong, thats a great offer mate. I think that would be a fabulous breeding. So far i have bred one of the no striation males with the normal females and it looks from among the babies they will all have the striations. So i crossed him with a pure red melon ,also from Roy. Bit early to tell for sure but i am hopeing to get more of the super clean non striated type this way. About half the babies appear to carry the pb gene for soot and the rest look pure. But i think a breeding with your female will be even better :) My best breeding male actually has a batch with him now, but i'll rest him for a few weeks and then maybe we can look at doing this breeding program together.


06-15-2006, 08:54 AM
My spawn produced about 50/50 pattern to solid. This particular female is the cleanest out of the three I have. Her colour is much paler than the others, almost a pastel lemon yellow. The females do however have some white around the gill plate area.

06-15-2006, 09:14 AM
Hey Rod,

Yeah no worries about the Uaru mate, as I said I have 10 growing up at the moment and another hopeful 50 along the way. They are really clever fish. The adults realised that I keep taking the spawning rocks with the eggs on them out so now they start digging pits until the bottom of the tank is exposed. Then they spawn on the glass at the bottom of the tank. Very clever fish as I said, but you already know that :) It's also amazing how much the little ones eat and as a result how quickly they grow. I'll put some pics up if anyone is interested or better still I can email you pics if you still have the same email address.

Hey Chuong, you are evil! Just looking at the pictures between Rod and you is tempting enough. Now can you imagine what will happen when I see these fish in real life? I must excercise restraint for the moment and be patient.

I'll be watching this post more closely now for the results of the breeding program between Rod's discus and your discus. Would be keen to know how your fish get along.

Kind Regards

06-16-2006, 03:46 AM
Wah... look at this. Haven't been checking in for a while and suddenly Aussie3 comes alive again.

Yes... the baby is here and we have another girl. She is now nearly 5 months old. Cute little thing with a lot of character... I guess with a mum like me, who could blame her.

I still got discus, but only 4 left at the moment. I had lots of casualties... with most of them just died with no apparent reason. So, hopefully I am getting some more soon.... (wink... Rod...wink). Now, that we are in Darwin.... it is a lot easier :). We are also building a house.... as Scott told me the other day that he has to be surgically removed from Darwin.... now that he likes it so much.

Well.... here is a photo of my 2 girls.....

Regards, Ari :)

06-17-2006, 04:54 AM
Hi Ari,

Ella and wee Indah are sooo cute :) I can't resist to show of my grand daughter :D She loves helping me feed the fish.


06-17-2006, 02:25 PM
heh ari.shes very cute. great to hear from you.
heres a pic of my new babies. had to replace my kids.

06-18-2006, 07:58 PM
Toy poodle?? April?? :) :)
They are cute!! So, the kids left home already?

She is growing up so fast.... I can't believe how big she is now.

Regards, Ari :)

06-19-2006, 01:17 AM
yes ari. toy poodles. poppy and barley. they are 7 months. my kids are about gone..ashley is going into 4thyear university already. and dylan is turning 19 tomorrow. so..almost the end. it goes fast..trust me. but on the other hand..a long haul..but your almost there..lol. just 18.5 more years...enjoy it while its there..i look at kids your babies ages..and wish sometimes..it was so much fun.

06-20-2006, 12:25 AM
They reckoned kids these days are staying home longer and longer!! So, I think I would be looking longer than 18.5 years!!! So, it will be a while before I get myself a toy poodle or two :) :).

or you can just have grandchildren like Rod.

BTW, are you still grooming dogs? You own the shop now, don't you? We should catch up on news!! I am behind on everything.

Regards, Ari :)

06-21-2006, 12:11 AM
Ari, Wow... Ella has grown. I don't I even realised you had another. Time does fly.

Now I need to pull the camera out to get some fishy pics.

06-21-2006, 04:23 AM
Funny we are discussing kids leaving home.....my 14yo son announced this morning he is moving out when he's 34.........

06-21-2006, 10:38 AM
lol funny..well tell him he better be paying half the mortgage when hes 19...

Ari. yes..still grooming..still own the shop..been busy..almost too busy to play fishies. but i still am...yes..we gotta catch up. one of these days..when your done playing mother..or get a break..you still gotta make it to canada. a bit on hold for now i guess..

06-21-2006, 07:12 PM
I really would love to visit you. I watch the news this morning on sunrise and it has scenery of vancouver, bannf, and other areas around there.... and I am kicking myself never going there!! Oh well, maybe we can ask someone to babysit, while Scott and I go to our second honeymoon. Hold on a minute, I don't think we even got our first one :)

Tell John.... you want him out when he finish high school, otherwise, you might have to extend your house...again :).

Yes, I have been busy!! 2 are enough for me, though.... no more.

Regards, Ari :)

07-21-2006, 01:51 AM
well..surely you need a boy..ari.. lol. but i agree two is enough. i have heard..3 changes everything..alot harder.

Darren's Discus
08-04-2006, 09:40 PM
gday fellow aussies great to see so many of us on this great forum i live in townsville.
