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View Full Version : breeding wilds

12-09-2003, 10:22 PM
I have some wilds that are about 2 years old and 2 fish are showing some interest in each other. Can anyone tell me some tips to get them to start to breed?

12-10-2003, 12:31 PM
I can't speak from experience but have an interest in this area as well and have done some research. This research tends to indicate a lower than normal ph (like 6.0 or below) and very soft water which mimics the water they came from. Use of some blackwater extract or something similiar will help with the lower ph and make the water more like that in their home waters. Better food with more live foods to help condition them, and slightly cooler water refills for water changes to mimic the rainfall which occurs during their native spawning season. They may not like distractions so the use of contact paper on the tanks to limit distractions may be tried as well. Hope these suggestions help!

12-10-2003, 01:26 PM
I have been using peaty recently and have dropped the ph down to 6.0. Should i try to get it lower? if i should what can i use to get the ph lower. I have been feeding CBW and frozen blood worms. When i do the colder water changes how much should it lower the temp of the tank?
thanks for the help

12-10-2003, 01:35 PM
Drop a productive domestic female in the wild tank. Start dropping the Ph daily. Things will happen if they are ready.

12-10-2003, 01:53 PM
This tank are the only discus i have so i dont have a productive female. What can i use to lower the ph i can only get it to 6.0 using peat.

12-10-2003, 02:45 PM
ph down at walmart works-but be very careful because you must change the PH slowly for the fish. I would encourage someone else here who may know exactly the tolerance of discus or you may need to do more research. Cooler water should be no more than a couple of degrees cooler than your tank temp and your tank should slowly rise back to its normal temp on its own with the heater. Hope this helps.

12-11-2003, 03:59 AM
it's been suggested to run higher temps (88) for a month or two and lightly feed, then drop the temp with cool , water and turn the heater down to 84. feed heavily with live foods such as cbw.

ph of 5-6.5 depending on who you talk to. and 40-80ms.