View Full Version : egg fungus

12-11-2003, 10:34 PM
well, my suspisions i beleive are confirmed, in my eyes anyhow.

i recently made my first batch of beefheart, and the young ones love it, most of the adults won't touch it though.

anyhow, every since then i've had problems with my eggs fungusing on the 2nd or 3rd day. unfortunately i can't really treat them unless i treat all the tanks on the system because at this moment i am centrally heating through a sump.
once my electrical issues are taken care of i'll be able to seperate individual tanks on the system. and treat if needed.

but i've decided that no beefheart will enter my breeder system again. cbw's for breeders and once the fry are transfered to growout tanks they will get beefheart.

i've been doing daily changes, flushing out 6 29 gallon tanks with roughly 200 gallons of water.