View Full Version : new discus

12-14-2003, 08:39 AM

I am relatively new to discus, I have 2 blue turks, and 2 pidgeon blood which are only 6 months old,
but I just bought a breeding pair of 2 golden scorpions which are about 12 months or maybe 18 months I can't remember.
They have been in a tank with a ph of 7.0 and I have kept my tank at roughly 6.5 and someone mentioned that putting them in may make them go into a breeding cycle. They have been in the tank 1 week and the ph is now at about 6.7 as I did not realise that it should be more neutral.
Today i noticed my male doing what i think is the shimmy shake to impress his gal, and she has been doing it in return. Their breeding tubes are down, and they are cleaning up a section of a large piece of driftwood that I have in the tank.
I also have 9 neons in the tank, 2 bristlenose catfish, 1 dwarf gurami.
If they are intending to breed should I remove them to my 2 foot tank so soon after they just settled in or let nature take it's course and put this one down to experience, and a bit of pot luck ???


12-14-2003, 09:02 AM
Hi Michelle,
I would say let them Breed in that tank for now.. It will help strengthen any bonds they have. They will probably not have fry long in that tank , but after they have spawned once or twice you can move them.. or You could just move them now since you bought them as a pair,. Its personal Choice.. As they get ready to spawn may get real aggressive to the rest of the tank occupants.

On a side note.. You mentioned...They have been in a tank with a ph of 7.0 and I have kept my tank at roughly 6.5 and someone mentioned that putting them in may make them go into a breeding cycle. They have been in the tank 1 week and the ph is now at about 6.7 as I did not realise that it should be more neutral. I'm not sure where that info came from but if anything the converse is true..Discus like water thats more acidic... They can do well in water that is in the 7-8 range but They come from acidic softwater in the wild.
Your pH of 6.5 is perfectly fine! If thats what you can keep it at with out messing around with your water... Thats perfect... don't try to shift it though.


12-14-2003, 09:05 AM
hi michelle
have the breeding pair in a 2ftx18inx18in with sponge filter, pvc pipe and heater. with out any other fish, do water changes each day 25-50% ph at 6.8 and have the temp at 28d (australia temp) and they should breed soon.

thanx jarryd
P.S if you have some pic plz post them.