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View Full Version : sick fish, HELP QUICKLY!!!!!

12-14-2003, 02:20 PM
have two discus with raised scales on there upper bodies near the dorsal fins, have dardkened body and are not eating great. any suggestions????????

12-14-2003, 03:10 PM
Hi ,
How long have they been like this ? and is the area under the scales... white or red. How large an area are we talking ? How long have you had these fish?


12-14-2003, 03:48 PM
about two weeks, the scales are white, i have had these fish for 6 months or more. they are the only two affected by this. they have a line of about four rows of scales affected on the top of there bodies on both sides.

12-14-2003, 04:02 PM
It sounds like Fungus... but one that is now attacking the tissue under the scales.. any commercial antifungus medicine should work...

Normally Salt at 1 tabelspoon/1 gal would work on fungus.. But this sounds like its too far along.. I would try pencillian.. You should start to see improvement in 4-5 days.

If The tank is not planted, and Discus are the only fish in it I would also treat with salt as above,, using non-iodinized tablesalt.

Bare glass Hospitol tank would be best.


another med to try would be furan 2. or if you can find it..Nystatin. The nystatin can be used with the above antibiotics.

12-14-2003, 05:35 PM
thanks so much, i'll start it today and keep you posted!! i hope i can catch it before it gets worse.