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View Full Version : Fry w/ dorsal deformed

12-19-2003, 11:48 PM

My fry is 8 days old, and now they start spliting from the parents, but some have the body like a curve , is not many, and the rest are straight, and this deformed babies are allways going to the wrong places, like the stream of my 500 acquaclear, it's a 65 gal tank for them so they have plenty a space to swim, and they are not going to the parents, even I push them to there but they come back to the stream, WHY?

Is the body curved a deformation, or is normal?
Should I terminate their short life?
Is that normal babies tend to split from parents?
I'm putting frozen bbs and first bites, but it seems they only want to stay around dady, should I put them away, my concern is that I'm not home for a long time, and the parents are doing fine, but till WHEN ?. ???

Thanks Friends


12-20-2003, 12:27 AM
Another question,
I've my fry w/ the parents in a 65 gal tank w/ the 500 AC filter, I know it's not the right one, but I don't have a choice, I have it reduced to lower output w/ the pre-filter foam, I think if I moved the parents to a 20 gal w/ a sponge filter will be good, but are they going to accept the new environment, what about the fry probably will die?
I'm not shure if I leave them the way it is or moved them, anyway the streams of the rivers are stronger the this filter, and actualy they born in the driftwood, in the middle of the stream, and the parents allways behind them when they flew w/ the stream, they used to it.

What you think about my concern?


12-20-2003, 01:28 AM
It sounds like some of the fry have a twisted spine. It does not go away. They never swim correctly and do not grow normally. You should cull the deformed ones. If several are deformed in the next spawn You should split the pair.

12-20-2003, 03:24 PM
Thank's Carol, that's what I thought. Thae pair is a blue diamond and a spoted blue pigeon.

Now, I think I have another problem, this morning I saw the male w/ the fry on the stream of the filter, it looks like he wants to get rid of them, because the fry has been all the time w/ him , and was like 30 40 fry, and today I found less fry, should I move the fry, for a smaller tank, but I can only feed them in the morning ( 7am) and a few times after 6pm, is not a long period withoult eating, and I think they don't know how to do it, probably they will die?????????



12-20-2003, 04:09 PM
I'm really sad, after all this work, I'm loosing all my fish, only 15 left, I think they are eating them, and some are not strong enough to get rid of the intake of the filter even w/ the foam.
:-[ :-[

12-20-2003, 04:20 PM
two or three feeding as day is not enough for 8 or 9 day old fry. With only 15 fry the father should be able feed them by himself. However, some discus will not raise small batches and eat the fry.

12-20-2003, 04:44 PM
Th. Carol, so, better to leave the way it is?

12-20-2003, 05:56 PM