View Full Version : Terror threat raised to raised to the "high" color - orange in the USA.

12-21-2003, 04:52 PM

Just thought you should know...in case you live in the USA and didn't.

This may sound silly to some.. But if you haven't put together an emergency kit or reviewed the one you have in awhile.. take a few minutes and do so..

This link may help you....

I hope an emergency kit is never needed by any of us.. but its not a bad idea to have one.

take care,

12-21-2003, 05:37 PM
Thanks Al, I for one, had no idea. I agree, I hope no-one ever needs an emergency plan but realistically, we have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Best wishes for all for a safe and Happy Holiday season. Susan and Bill

12-21-2003, 05:56 PM
Glad it helped you Susan,

I decided to move this to the main section.... I think its important enough.

I just spent the afternoon going thru mine.. Its amazing what you need when you have 2 adults, a 2.5 yearold, and 6 month old...Its also very scary and an eye openner.

Take the time to do it if you haven't yet everyone..Not just for terror attacks , but incase you lose power, natural disaster..whatever.


12-21-2003, 08:03 PM
I agree. We pulled the generator out of the motorhome when we stored it for the winter and put the generator in the basement, just in case. Won't run everything in the house but it will keep us and the fishies warm and breathing for a few days.

12-22-2003, 04:23 AM
Hi all,
Brew, good post! I have to be well aware of the threat levels at all times in my position of employment being in a major city and a possible attack point. My department is the first line of defense for our hotel in filtering out people trying to access the back of house areas through my area. I have been put through some company-sponsored, very interesting training courses over the past few years. They opened my eyes with the knowledge I learned. Better to be prepared everybody ;)


12-23-2003, 07:05 PM
Maybe not the best time for my family to vacation in Manhattan?!


12-23-2003, 07:27 PM
Willie go and enjoy yourself, in fact you will most likely be safer there then in your own town with all of the security in place......you cant let other people control your own life, if you do then they have already won......I live in one of the five "so called target cities" that they are talking about on the news and you know with my position at work I have to deal with this problem 24/7.........Sure my family has a emergency plan in place if it ever does happen again but other than that I live my life the way I want...I refuse to change my lifes plans because of threats from others.....

Randy 8)

12-24-2003, 07:02 PM
Why was the color raised high?!?!?! What is an emergency kit? never heard of it...

12-26-2003, 09:29 AM
yeah, they got a war to sell......

01-16-2004, 05:48 PM
They've dropped it back to yellow now...

05-21-2004, 10:42 AM
>From a former Naval Officer

To hell with Arab outrage

Arabs are "outraged" over the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at the hands
of a few American servicemen.

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when necrophiliacs in Fallujah mutilated
four American soldiers by stepping on their burnt skulls and hung their
burnt bodies from a bridge?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when "palestinians" mutilated and
dragged the bodies of two IDF soldiers in Ramallah?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when 19 Muslims blew up the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/01?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Muslims continue to slaughter
Sudanese Christians?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Muslims blew up Pan Am Flight 103?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Muslims bombed the marine barracks
in Lebanon killing 241 Americans in 1983?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Muslims bombed the USS COLE ?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Muslims bombed the American
embassies in Africa killing 231 people?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Abu Mazen engineered the "Black
September" Terror Attack during the Munich Olympics, which killed 11
Israeli athletes and a U.S. citizen ?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when ABu Abbas threw the wheel-chair
bound Leon Klinghoffer overboard on the Achille Lauro?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when "Palestinian" rioters torched the
Jewish-only Joseph's Tomb ?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when the Taliban blew up the Buddhist
statues in Afghanistan?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when simultaneous blasts rocked two of
downtown Istanbul's synagogues killing at least 15 people and wounding at
least 140?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when "Palestinians" handed out candies
celebrating the deaths of 3000 Americans on 9-11-01?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when Jemaah Islamiyah suicide bombers
killed 12 people and injured 150 at the J.W. Marriott in Jakarta,

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when bomb attacks in Morocco killed at
least 28 people and injure more than 100?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when suicide bombers killed 12 people at
an Israeli-owned beach hotel in Kenya and two missiles narrowly miss an
airliner carrying Israelis?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when nearly 200 people, including seven
Americans, were killed in bombings in a nightclub district of the
Indonesian island of Bali?

Where were these "outraged" Arabs when 300,000 Iraqi's bodies were found
in mass graves?

Where was their indignation, folks? You know where? NOWHERE.

It was nowhere because Arab outrage when someone non-Arab is a victim,
does not exist, it does not rate. Why? Because the Arab culture knows
nothing but how to be proud and arrogant. The culture is a cohesive
political glob of people united simply by religious identity and not at
all by morality.

It's time for the rest of us, who DO know the difference between right and
wrong, to tell the world that these "outraged" idiots are too pathetic to
warrant any sympathy from the rest of us.

We're waiting for these "outraged" Arabs to get up the manhood to be
disgusted BY THEIR OWN people for the disgusting crimes they have
committed against others.

Then we'll shed a tear

05-22-2004, 02:33 AM
Those acts were an embarresment to us. We will have a hard time winning the hearts and minds of the Arab world with that type of disgusting behavior.
And you are right, they never speak out when a fellow Arab commits a crime. I waited after 9/11 and I never once saw an Arab Leader speak out against terrorism and Islamic fundamentalist groups.

05-31-2004, 08:13 PM
I was just thinking of posting a Memorial Day post to honor the service people who have served and are serving right now. I THANK all of them!!! I live in NY and since 911 everyones life has changed. I live very close to Stewart Air Force base- that is were the two planes almost collided on 911. Oh 911 that was my 19th Wedding anniversary- GREAT! Something to remember HUH!! My Hubby was just out of sugery on his spine the day before and we were ready to pack the kids and family up and run to the hills . I had relatives and friends that worked in the Towers- (I'm originally from Queens and My Hubby and Myself have worked in NYC)THANK GOD no one was injured that was close to me but many stories from close friends of loosing people they knew. I am not looking for sympathy BUT- We need to remember all those serving our country and have served in the past to protect US! My Father was in the Navy (Destroyer)- Korean war along with My Father in Law( On a submarine). I honor all those who have served - I can't imagine my 17 year old son going to war it would scare the Hell out of me!!! (He seems like he's still my baby)
We have had a Flag flying on my house entrance since we purchased it in 1992 to honor our American heritage!!
So Again THANKS to all who have served and are serving!!!! My thoughts are with you!!!
I hope all had a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend!!!!!!
P.S. There is nothing more heart pounding than hearing Fighter Jets practice over your house.

06-02-2004, 12:02 PM
Hey Al,

Don't have a generator, but do have a monster battery backup hooked up to a couple of class 30 marine deep cycle batteries. At least my fish will survive a power outage for 24 hours. Thinking I should get a generator to recharge the batts if the power stays out longer. Spent alot of time living in California, so having supplies on hand (earthquakes there) is somewhat second nature in our house. got 130 gal of RO on hand at all times in case I need drinking water lol

Looked into a whole house natural gas auto backup system, but those babies are BIG BUCKS.

Serious subject though, good post.

Can't end without agreeing with all the above about where was the outrage when it was theirs desicrating ours?