View Full Version : Does any one have bird in this room!!!

12-26-2003, 10:10 PM
I have a Cockatiel and it has blood feathers and I don't know what to do every time he grows new feathers there blood feathers any suggestions.... :'(

01-03-2004, 12:22 AM
When a bird grows a new feather it is connected to a blood supply. When the feather is all the way out the blood supply stops. Blood feathers can really bleed if they're damaged before they fully grow out and birds have very little blood so it's important to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. Don't worry, when the new feathers grow out the blood will be gone. hope this helps some. I've raised cockatiels, budgies etc. but now just have 2 mexican redheads, 1 double yellow head, an african grey, a red lored amazon and a little mini macaw (severe). take care Elaine Bryant

01-03-2004, 10:48 PM
:) :) :)
Thank you for you reply WOW you have many birds how do you keep your floor clean I'm cleaning every day. The thing is that I've had othere birds not like you but I've had a nanday conuor and buggies but never in countered this before. every time he grow his feathers there blood feathers I hate It it scares me and hes in pain too there seems to so many off them to. I've never seen it before.... once again thanx for the reply
;D ;D ;D :) ::)

01-04-2004, 01:08 AM
. . . if nothing else is available and one of those feathers pull-out, find some flour and use it to stop the bleeding.

01-26-2004, 10:43 PM
thank you for the reply i've never heard of that before..... he always has blood feathers every time they grow in. and the pain he goes though i feel so bad i wish there was something i could do so he doesn't get them any more. why does it happen i wonder? why do some get them more then others?

01-27-2004, 02:44 PM
Do you have a Vet who specializes in birds near you?

I never heard of the bird suffering from growing feathers, you might want to check with the Vet.

01-28-2004, 12:18 AM
Is he pulling the feathers OUT of himself?
I used to breed cockatiels, and occasionally, one would go partially bald or need to have medicine applied to stop bleeding due to feather plucking. It's usually stress related, if that's what he's doing. You may want to get him a bird toy to chew on, or a bird bath/spray just to help give him something to do.

Donna :)

01-28-2004, 01:28 PM
Thank you for the reply..... I've had him since he was 11mth old, he is 18 mths now. He's always had blood feathers it happens every time they grow in. No, he dosen't pluck them out. They do hurt him when there growing in and sometimes one may fall out I watch him closely when that happens to make sure he don't bleed to death...... I just wish I new some how to make them less. Yes he does have toys to chew on he has a bird bath a mirror and he's never in his cage when I home. He sings and talks all day I think he's a happy bird besides the blood feathers...... :):)