View Full Version : RSG x snowflake photo

01-03-2004, 11:11 PM
Thought I 'd post an update on the RSGxSF. These were some of the $10.00 little fish Cary was moving out last May. I asked for the white ones (others look like rsg or turks) Although they are not very big at 9 months their growth is pretty uniform and they are very round.

01-04-2004, 12:02 AM
Looks good Carol. What are you going to cross them with?

01-04-2004, 12:23 AM
They look very nice. ;D

01-04-2004, 03:48 AM
yep looks nice carol whats there size rite now

01-04-2004, 06:34 AM
8) Yes they have great shape and look real nice! :D

01-04-2004, 09:08 AM
Their looking pretty good Carol

01-04-2004, 09:43 AM
Looking good Carol,
Here are some of the ones I kept! Mine are 5.5 to 6"
I have a few females Laying now so its on to f2 for more red spotting.
Cary Gld!

01-04-2004, 10:34 AM
Hi Carol,
I really like those. How big are they? I know we got our fish from Cary at the same time. I also know yours were much smaller than mine. I am curious how they compare in size. Mine were about 2.5 when I got them.


01-04-2004, 01:45 PM
They were very small when I ordereded them - that sponge filter they are next to is only an inch or 1 1/2 inches tall. I'd say they average about 4 inches -excluding tail. Not as big and fat as Cary's

01-04-2004, 01:57 PM
Hi Carol, nice pictures

01-05-2004, 12:27 AM
here are a couple of mine Carol..... I can't grow em out like Cary :-\

I got the majority of the darker ones in that group...

http://images.snapfish.com/33964%3A7523232%7Ffp54%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D858%3 DXROQDF%3E232348%3A57%3B442ot1lsi

http://images.snapfish.com/33964%3A7523232%7Ffp54%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D858%3 DXROQDF%3E232348%3A57%3B43%3Bot1lsi

01-05-2004, 12:46 AM
Thanks for posting yours Beth. ;D

They look about the same size as mine - only yours have more color. I can see a faint red wash on the body of several of mine. I wonder if they will redden more as they age or if I need to color feed more than just ONF1 . . .