View Full Version : Spawn size / number of fry

01-04-2004, 01:50 PM
I tried to find info on sizes of spawns but to no avail.
I thought it might be a good topic for everyone to input their $.02 on this.

How big are your spawns (# of eggs) and how many fry are you able to raise from these spawns?

-here's my 2 cents-
I have had only one successfull spawn of about 70 eggs, of which 50 have made it to week 4. The same parents spawned three days ago and there are twice the number of eggs. ::)

01-04-2004, 01:56 PM
Good topic, I'm interested to see what everyone says.


01-04-2004, 08:21 PM
1st spawn 100 hatched 98 (only 2 white eggs) 50 got through the 1st 3 days, then they where eaten, at the same time as the second lay

2nd Lay 40 eggs though were eaten with 1st hatch

3rd 40 eggs 30 through to 25 days free swimming

I hope this helps all three from PB's

Cheers Wayne

01-04-2004, 08:58 PM
With my one successful breeding pair I usually have about 200 eggs layed. The last spawn I had about 60-70 hatch. Of those I lost maybe 15 or so due to my incompetence, and now after culling, I am growing out about 20 or 25 fry.

I'm still new to breeding and I know my hatch rates aren't great but as I learn and get a system down, I'm confident they will improve.

It sounds silly, but I find myself stairing at my grow out tank in utter amazement that its full of baby Discus that I didn't buy from anyone! ;D ;D ;D ;D

01-04-2004, 09:34 PM
It has been a number of years since I had breeding discus (hopefully that will change soon), but i remember a pair of discus that i grew from Juvies obtained from Bing Seto. i have attached a pic of the male at 9 months old.
Anyway, i had spawns of 200 - 250, with hatch rates of 90% or better. this was of course after 10 or so poor to medicre spawns. I used to aerate the water around the cone with a large bubbler (about 24 hours post spawn so that I didn't mess up fertilization). Not close, just enough for a gentle current to help the parents out. I tried this with a few pairs, but this was the only one that would allow it. I did this at the advice of one of the old timers in my aquarium club.


01-04-2004, 10:49 PM
The fact that your hatch rates increased after a few spawns is encouraging news for me Rich. Its an awful lot of work for just a few babies. :-\

01-05-2004, 09:58 AM
hey richgrenfell
that is a nice fish what strain is it?? (blue turq)

i think that the spawn has most to do with size, health and how long they have been spawning for. hope that helps.

thanx jarryd