View Full Version : violent head shaking

01-10-2004, 01:57 AM
I was observing my discus when I noticed my only lfs fish started to shake his head from side to side and then clamp his fins which he hardly ever does. It looked almost like a spasm as some sort. No visable signs on the outside and was eating fine (bh, Hikari BW, ON1 FLakes). He's a in a 75 gal with 7 other discus ranging from 3-6 in. The fish in question is a 1.5 yr old 3.5 in. bd. The water is hard Chicago tap that is aged and changed daily 25-30%. It is a bb tank and there have been no new additions for one year and no disease for the same amount of time. Has anyone seen this? This particular discus is very dear to me as he is my first. I believed he could live through a nuclear winter with all of the mistakes he had to endure before I discovered this forum. He is stunted but has never truly been sick. My other discus (alive and dead) never displayed this behavior and are from reputable breeders (Strong and Al Johnson). I mention this because I'm wondering if this could be genetic. He may be my ugliest and smallest but he's at the top of the pecking order (he bullies some and none bully him) and I'd hate to lose him. Sorry for the long post.