View Full Version : Very Skittish Discus. WHY

01-14-2004, 09:56 PM
I just got some Nice Baby Pigeon Bloods and some Snake skin, put them in a tank that is connected to another tank righ next to it with some blue Diamons, but wile the Blue Diamonds are good and coming to the front of the tank looking for food, every other Discus in the other tank is incredibly skittish.
Now i have no Ammonia, no Nitrite and no Nitrate, PH is 7.2 and hardness is 250 PPM, light is dim and ijust cannot anderstand why these fish are so jumpy.
I cannot get close to them, they all go Nuts, they even try to jump out of the tank.
But the blue Diamond righ next to them eat from my hand, why are they doing this.
One thing is that at least they eat the food i add into the tank, not in front of me, but after i go away they will take every bit of food there is.
What is going on, anybody knows??????????

01-14-2004, 11:12 PM
First of all when you bring a new fish to a new environment there going to be scared, there in a new home. they prob. lived in a tank that with was with many other fish and didn't see people move that much. ...so go slow, walk up to the tank slowly. when you go to feed them stay there and watch them for a bit. watch them eat.... visit them walk up to there tank slowly and watch them they would get use to you with time...... you dont know how the discus lived there live before they got to you......... what do you think Carol :) :) 8)

01-15-2004, 12:21 AM
That would be ok, but i had them for more then 10 days now and the Blue diamonds come from the same breeder, but they are not Jumpy at all.

01-15-2004, 12:42 AM
Any metal rusting in the tank or stray voltage?

01-15-2004, 12:44 AM
for some reason they got scared of you most likely, is their color good? fins erect? you have to spy on them when they don't know you are near, make sure they are healthy. if they are healthy then they are just scared of you, which, to me means, time to remind them who feeds them.. skip a few feeds and feed live cbw, feed them less often until they come around. most of the time this is all thats needed.

but make sure they are healthy and acting fine when you are not around.


01-15-2004, 12:50 AM
No voltage and no rust, the other tank is connected on the same filtration and they are ok.
I have peat moss in the filter, to lower PH, so is it possible that they have some kind of bacterial problem?
Thank you all for your help.