View Full Version : Ray's

01-19-2004, 01:48 AM
Was wondering if there're any rays out there that can hack it in a 100 gallon tank without gett'n aggressive towards discus or being restricted in growth?

Anyone have links to information on em'? I know they're delicate, but more delicate then discus? What're general water requirements?

01-19-2004, 07:06 AM
Hi Jason,
talk to Dave Webber... goes by wildthing here.



01-19-2004, 11:06 AM
Hi Jason...it can be done, rays are more tolerant of indifferent water conditions than discus & are only agressive towards food.......but with rays the rule of thumb is..if they can fit it in their ( wide) mouth then they are sooner or later gonna eat it.....I used to feed my discus culls to some 2' rays I had....rays also eat like crazy...& what goes in comes out....so water quality is important...but that is a truism for discus anyway....
I recommend you get the Barron's book 'freshwater stingrays' by Dr Ross...$8 & full of useful info...
most rays will get to about 18" , many wil get much bigger....but even 18" ( across) is a very big fish. I have had Tigers & Otorongo rays that were 24" across....I had a 'carpet ' ray that was only a baby....22"across......Probably you will want to start with a Motoro ( peacock eye) ..reasonably hardy & attractive & not too expensive.


01-19-2004, 11:50 AM
Thanks a lot guys.

Is the growth rate of ray's about the same as discus? Slower? Faster?

I'm thinking a juvenille Motoro would be a good addition to my tank, as the discus in it will be from 3-6 inches. But not if it's going to outgrow the discus and eat em' up.


01-19-2004, 02:47 PM
Also will a ray intimidate my discus at all and impair their behavior?

01-19-2004, 03:28 PM
they will grow about 2" wider each year, depending on how much you feed them...