View Full Version : Spawn size ??

01-21-2004, 12:32 PM
Would someone please tell me how many fry is normal for a given spawn. I have a newly formed pair (2 months) that have laid 4 times and actually hatched wigglers three times. No babies as of yet. I am used to breeding angelfish and see spawns upwards of 5-6 hundred. On all four spawnings of my discus there were only around 150 eggs. Is this a small spawn or are my pair just young (they are both around 1 to 1.5 years old. I have been to numerous discus web sites and see pictures of pairs with spawn that rival my angel spawns. Please let me know your experience. My pair is in 29 gallon tank with bare bottom and a sponge filter rated for 125 gallon tank. Their water is 83 degrees, PH of 7.2 and medium hard water. If I need to I can use deionized water for them but thought that if they like the tap water (aged of course) then numerous water changes would be easier for me. Thanks for your comments.


01-23-2004, 03:35 AM
I read that the average clutch contains up to 200 eggs, good clutches contain about 300 eggs and top clutches contain 400-500 eggs.
Mine keep laying about 150 eggs, the first batch was over 300 eggs but unfortunately all were eaten

01-23-2004, 09:49 AM
Thanks for the info. Out of the 158 eggs my last spawn was I have approximately 60 wigglers. I really hope the parents take care of these. If not I will try my hand at artificially raising the wigglers next time. Thanks again.
