View Full Version : Does any type of upset, make parents eat fry...

01-23-2004, 06:06 PM
Just a thought why the parents eat fry is there any reason to this maddness...


01-23-2004, 07:40 PM
It boggles my mind too Wayne! Hopefully you will get an intelligent answer to your query. :)

01-26-2004, 06:46 PM
Someone somewhere knows the real answer, come on you can tell, ;D

Food for thought.... LOL


01-26-2004, 11:57 PM
I don't know the real answer. Some have theorized that the parents eat them rather than a "predator" so that they benefit from the protein rather than the "predator". I think it's the inexperienced stupid ones that eat the babies.

01-27-2004, 10:56 AM
Hi carol

I made the mistake of going to cover my tank with so material that was from the 70's so to speak and the pattern made them jump out of there skin...

I advise dark blue or black if your going to cover your tank wise idea... they like peace....

And so they eat the fry :-(

Lesson learned....


01-28-2004, 12:19 PM
Wayne: Sorry, I don't have time to read the PB thread. I've been away for a while. I'll read up and fill in you question. I've never put covers on tank or my breeders with eggs or wrigglers with a net. I gethered they are being upsetted by either their mate as a dominant half and eating fry is a way to protect them. Stupid animal behaviour. I can never forget seeing my cat eating the kittens after I was handling them right after birth when I was a child as I was a threat to her new born.
Internal worms play a great part in successful breeding. Some may say it's a bunch of crap. I respect their experience. I found out something is bothering them. Esp. the pairs are not eating much, the hungry worms searching for food in their guts and itch caused by gill worms. The discomfort can easily drive them to protecting the fry by eating them. If it happen again. I will deworm the parents and try again. Usually this will stop them from eating fry and guard them faithfully. Now I do it routinely just to clean them out with Formalin before placing them into breeding tank. This will make life a lot easier.JMHO.

01-29-2004, 12:01 PM
Hi JimmyL

Thanks for the info, I done because it's buy the doorway, and it work before,and they layed again it seems the female knows theres more eggs on the way as that the only time she eats her fry...

I'll keep you posted on the PB thread, I'm happy people are reading the thread I only hope it helps some people in there aim to breed...

Cheers Wayne