View Full Version : Discus order arrived, need some help

01-24-2004, 03:20 AM
I usually buy my Discus from local sources but decided to try some from an on-line dealer I saw advertised in FAMA & TFH. Two of the Hi-Fin Cobalts (2.5") do not appear to be in the best of shape following the trip. They have an overall faded appearence with dark bars. Their Dorsal fins seem to be kind of ragged looking on the front edges as well. It's not Ich and It doesnt appear to be a fungus or fin rot. I'm guessing that the ragged Dorsal fin is from the shock and physical stress of the transportation? They tend to spend most of their time hiding but do come out sometimes. The good news is that they are eating, although sparingly. I started to treat aquarium with Mela-Fix at 1tsp per 10gal per day. I was wondering if I should maybe add some salt? I'm open to any suggestions or advice since I'm definitley not an expert. I've kept Discus for about 18mos now but have not had to deal with this problem before. BTW the Discus arrived Thursday and I'm writing this as of Friday night. The other Discus that arrived with the shipment are doing fairly well and dont suffer from this problem. I dont want to start dumping in a bunch of chemicals without first trying to identify the ailment. I'll obviously continue to observe as closely as possible if sitution changes.Some of my aquarium specifics are listed below:

125Gal tank
2 eheim pro 2 (2026 &2028)
18 watt UV sterilizer
Temp 86F
PH 6.7
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Heavily planted
CO2 injection
11 Discus 2.5" - 3.5"
30% W/C every 3 days
Diet: Diskusin freeze dried food, Beef heart, Hikari frozen bloodworms, Jack Wattley frozen food, Formula One flake.

01-24-2004, 03:43 AM
can we get some picz???

01-24-2004, 04:04 AM
sorry, I dont have a digital camera yet. I hope to get one soon but as of now I dont.

01-24-2004, 04:22 AM
Don't overreact....they are in your tank less than 48 hrs. I wouldn't have even used the Melafix....too often people just feel the need to add something to the tank. It is not uncommon for fish to look a bit worn after shipping, especially if they are in the bags for a while. However, severly ragged dorsal fin can be an indication of other things...malnourishment, internal problems. Were the fish packed more than 1 per bag?
I wouldn't medicate. Just keep an eye on them. The Melafix should help fend off any low level bacterial infections, so it wasn't wrong to use it really. I just hate using anything unless I'm sure I have to, but that's JMO as they say. good luck, J.T.

01-24-2004, 05:48 AM
They were packed more than one to a bag. I'm not panicking at this point just concerned ;) . My thoughts on the Mela-Fix was that it might help bolster their own immune system a little. I'll check on these guys in the morning and will update if the situation worsens. Thanks for the reply, I do appreciate anyone who has advice etc.

01-24-2004, 04:19 PM
It could simply be ammonia burns on the fins. Water changes and salt will help that.

Erm . . .did you just add these new discus to your established discus in a planted show tank with out quarantine?

01-27-2004, 01:08 AM
When I first got my quarter sized Discus three years ago, the first five, they had a bit of ragged fin/tail, fin fluff etc. and after one day at home noticed ick on one.
I treated, per instructions from seller, with Melafix and Rid Ich for about 5-7 days straight, with 50% w/c each day and a temp at 85. PH was 7.0. The Melafix repairs fin damage so fast - it's just the most wonderful stuff !!
They got better each day with no problem on the meds that week.
The combo is still choice for most whatever ails them, except now I use Quick Cure since it works faster.

01-27-2004, 10:01 AM
I allways use Melifix with new arrivals to help with immune system..
No different from adding Vits to the food as far as I can see..