View Full Version : Question on BBS

Carolina discus
01-26-2004, 03:03 PM
Hello All,
I notice that my BBS don't seem to last very long before they start to die off in the hatching container.
Does anyone move them to another container and put in fridge?
Should I remove air stone and leave container in heated tank?
Not a major problem but I would like to seem them last longer.

01-30-2004, 12:09 AM
They won't live unless you feed them something and keep the salinity right. Hygrometer should be 1.02 or just a little less. Have had some luck feeding them yeast like you would use for baking bread. Put a tiny pinch in the container each day. You will have to experiment to see how much to add without fouling the water. Trace elements also help. I hatch them warm, then move to normal room temperature to slow down their metabolism and make them last longer.

Good luck!