View Full Version : Question please!!!!!!

01-26-2004, 10:08 PM
Ok...... I have this Discus that only likes Tetra Bites and wont eat anything else...... I like feeding my fish flakes and give them treats as Tetra bite, live shrimp brime,beef heart too........ But I don't want to starve my fish. What can I do?????? ???

01-27-2004, 12:09 AM
Actually, He would probably do just fine on only tetra bits. The easiest wat to introduce a new food is the first feeding of the day when they are hungriest. ONly try one new food. when he eats that with gusto, add a second.

01-27-2004, 12:21 AM
the thing is that i notced that he like tetra bites since when i got him he dint eat at first cause i feed my fish mostly flake but he wasnt eating..... the second day i gave tetra bites and he loved it the other fish like it to but one he like his flakes but i want him to be not so dependent on tetra bites it just goes to the bottom of the tank and there is more to clean...... it just drops strait down and they dont eat it all and i dont like that they dont clean the tank like goldfish you know....... dirty, dirty then clean, clean to much food.........

01-27-2004, 10:54 AM
As long as he is eating, that is the main thing! However, if you do want to introduce other types of foods, dont feed for a day or 2. Nothing at all. He will be hungry and almost eat anything! ;)

01-27-2004, 04:14 PM
Thank's Ronrca,
I will try that........ :) :) 8)

02-04-2004, 03:14 PM
try this
try bloodworms, discus love bloodworms

get the cubed frozen kind.. take your fish net and drop in a cube. then run it under warm water in your sink and it will dissolve to worms

grab some wroms and shake them across the top.... i bet hell eat them

my discus eat tetrabits too but i switched them to bloodworms and tetrabits

02-06-2004, 08:15 PM
In order to be successfull training your fish to eat something different you should feed the new stuff in the AM first feeding of the day The fish are hungriest at this time and will be more likely to accept the new food The 2 day starve method will work too and can be used in conjunction with my method. you should be able to get all your fish eating what you want them to

02-06-2004, 10:04 PM
Thank you all for the reply's. you know the next day I feed just falkes and he/she ate them. so he's been eating them since with some treats of course..... ;D ;D ;D Thank you once again