View Full Version : White faeces, small discus

01-27-2004, 03:35 AM

I have 250l (66gal) tank, planted, 4 discus (2 of them 3inch, 2 other 2inch). One small discus is about 2 months attacked by others, last weeks is only in the corner of the tank, he has only a little chance to eat (but seems hungry). Now the small one has snow-white faeces, in microscope with elliptic eggs. I did not seen any worms. Metronidazole had no effect.

I have 2 questions:

- what should be the next step in treatment - I cant get flubendazole. Can I use levamisol? Dosing?

- in case of successfull treatment, is there a possibility for the sick fish to become a "full-member" of the group. (I am afraid of prolonges stress in future will make him sick again and again...)

Thank you


01-27-2004, 12:21 PM
Hi Jano:
Sounds like hex from stress. did you raise the tank temp to 92+ and dose 400-5-- mg metro per 10 gallons everyday after a 50% water change with 92 degree water for 3 to 5 days? Feed sparingly for favorite foods and keep temp up for a week after treatment, then slowly lower a couple of degrees per day. Treat in hospital tank if you have a spare.

He may never catch up. You really need groups of 6 or more discus.

01-28-2004, 03:27 AM
Thanks Carol,

my temperature is 90F (that is 32°C - maximum my heaters can do). Metronidazole had no effect - that was my first try. What do you think about the eggs in faeces? Today I will get fenbendazole - I think there are some worms as the cause - ???.

I think 6 discus/66 gal is too much. But this is the maximum volume for me...

Thanks again
