02-01-2004, 02:05 AM
Buy/Sell/Trade Forum Dos and Don'ts:
This forum exists as a service for our members to trade and sell their personal Discus and Discus/aquarium related items. It is not intended as a commercial outlet.

If you are repeatedly selling new equipment, having multiples of the same new item(s), or being able to "get anything" a poster may ask for is a sure-fire way to have your post removed as "commercial". Extensive lists of available fish is another.

All posts will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (which means we may remove these posts if they don't seem or the owners feel they are not appropriate; and allow exceptions to the posting rules if the administration or moderators see fit).

Finally, a word on etiquette. This is not a discussion forum. If you wish to purchase or trade, please post. However, if you only wish to comment on the quality of someone else's purchase/trade item or their price, with no intention of buying/trading, please keep it to yourself. These type of posts only sidetrack the thread away from the goal of the original poster - trading or selling their item.

Sponsors may, with the permission of Board Administration post in this section. Existing ads may or may not be removed at the descretion of the same.

Also keep in mind that all transactions arising from this section are private, and Simplydiscus.com assumes no Financial responsibility or liability for them. Buyer/Seller Disputes must be Handled by the individuals involved. Claims of seller misconduct may be directed to the board moderators.

Please keep in mind that these forums are a service Simplydiscus.com provides for the benefit of discus hobbyists. Following the above guidelines help make the forums more user-friendly, and certainly makes them easier to moderate.

Thank you.

The Simplydiscus.com team
Simply the Best on the Web

03-28-2013, 12:12 PM
Hi all,
If you use this section to sell your hobby fish or equipment , it would be greatly appreciated if you would consider remembering to thank the forum for the assistance it has given you in your sales.

Though Voluntary at this time, I encourage all those using the Buy, sell and Trade section of the forum to sell their stock and merchandise on SimplyDiscus to make a voluntary contribution to the forum here...http://forum.simplydiscus.com/misc.php?do=donate

There is no set amount you should consider here...its entirely up to you.

Thank you,

12-17-2014, 02:40 PM
Note... effective today, Dec 17, 2014 we have amended the rules for this section as follows...


In order to sell or trade items on SimplyDiscus, it is very important that you supply as much information as possible. Please format both the title and contents of your thread as shown below. Failure to do so could result in locked/deleted/edited threads. Also, remember that any posts that are not directly related to the ad, including comments about the quality or price of an item (good or bad), will be removed as the moderators see them. This is not a discussion area as explained in our forum rules.

Thread Title Format:
Prefix: Item description - Location - Pickup/Shipping

(The forum will give you a drop-down menu with thread prefixes. You must select a prefix to post a thread. The thread prefixes are For Sale (FS), For Trade (FT), or Free.)

Example: Free: Six 3" Pigeon Blood discus - Buffalo, New York - Pickup Only

Example: FS: Used Fluval FX5 canister filter - Sacramento, CA - P/U or Shipping

Please be as descriptive in your title as possible and also include your location, preferably with a city or zip code in addition to your state/territory/country.

Thread Contents:

In your ad, please be sure to include as many of the following details as possible. This will prevent multiple follow-up questions and help you sell/trade your item(s) more quickly. Pictures and/or videos are Required. You must have the item you are selling in your possession and ready to go. Accepting funds for items you do not have yet, (ex, Fish, fry, etc) is prohibited...NO PRE-SALES or PRE-ORDERS with payment are allowed. Feel free to copy and paste the following list into your new thread so that you remember what to include:

- Type/strain
- Approximate size and age
- Vendor/source where you acquired the fish
- Length of time they've been in your care
- Reason for selling
- Price
- Your location
- Your preferred methods of pick-up or shipping
- Pictures and/or videos

Equipment/dry goods/supplies
- Brand/model (if applicable)
- Condition
- Price
- Your location
- Your preferred methods of pick-up or shipping
- Pictures and/or videos

Please Note!!! *****If you are successful with your sales, Please send in some funds to support the forum as a donation. Listings in this section are free, but the Forum is not free to run. Thank you!

Pictures and/or videos are Required. You must have the item you are selling in your possession and ready to go. Accepting funds for items you do not have yet, (ex, Fish, fry, etc) is prohibited...NO PRE-SALES or PRE-ORDERS with payment are allowed.

Thank you,
SD Team