View Full Version : Introducing the new SimplyDiscus website!

02-01-2004, 06:20 AM
Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you SimplyDiscus.com's complete website!


We have been compiling tons of data from the forum for nearly a year now to bring this website to you. It is our hope that this site will provide a central location for members to browse library articles regarding all aspects of discus, find helpful links and suggestions, and much more!

There are many sections of the site that are not completed, and some that we are working on. We will be updating this site frequently and we strongly encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions on how to make the site work for you.

Many thanks are owed to the moderators of this site who took the time out of their busy schedules to compile the articles and pictures found throughout the site. The volunteer work that they have put forth in this huge task is more valuable than words can express. Every article and link on the site was saved and sent to me by the mods here.

Also, a big round of applause for Chi Huynh (EthanCote.com) who designed and coded this site entirely on his own! He has been an excellent web designer to work with and his work is truly appreciated. Without him, this wonderful site would not be as visually appealing and as functional as it is. So everyone let him know how great his work is!

As always, a big thank you to Al for his patience in this whole process. It has been a slow and tedious one, and I have been promising him that the site was almost ready for about six months now, lol.

I hope you all enjoy the site. Let us know what you think!


02-01-2004, 08:39 AM
Chi, it is Awesome! I know you put in a "LOT OF WORK" Thank you! 8)

Ryan, You deserve a ton of thanks for all the work you put into this too! Thank you! 8)

Al, awesome idea as always! A great addition to a great site. Thank you! :D

And I know all the other mods worked very hard and spent many hours working on this too, not only with articles, but great suggestions and ideas. Thank you! I learned a lot! :D


02-01-2004, 09:30 AM
Beautiful! Thanks for all your hard work guys.. It shows.

02-01-2004, 10:31 AM
NEATO !! :thumbsup: Great work everyone!!! Thanks!!!

02-01-2004, 10:38 AM
Simply Awesome Ryan and Al!! :)

Just browsed through the site and it looks great...you two never cease to amaze us with your time and dedication to this great hobby!! BRAVO!!
Keep up the great work!!

Regards, Lester

02-01-2004, 11:00 AM
Excellent work Al, Ryan, Chi, and everyone else who contributed to the articles and information! So far, I have only had time to briefly browse through the site, but it looks like it has a solid design, and some very good information - consolidated, and all at our finger tips!

:thumbsup: BIG THUMBS UP GUYS :thumbsup:

02-01-2004, 11:04 AM
COOL BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I REALLY admire your guys dedication to this hobby :thumbsup:


02-01-2004, 11:31 AM
Al, Ryan and Chi,

I love the changes ;)

Thanks :thumbsup:

02-01-2004, 11:57 AM
Great work. Thank you for a terrific site. What makes this site great are the people in it.



02-01-2004, 12:05 PM
You guy's did a fantastic job on this one. Congratulations on the new Web site and I hope to see more as you progress further into it.

02-01-2004, 12:10 PM

vickie s
02-01-2004, 12:28 PM
Good job! I had been hoping for the site to "fill out" ;D
Congratulations on the great work.

02-01-2004, 12:31 PM
Looks great - i was on here last night and loogged out for a few minutes and when i logged back in about 30 mins later, it was all NEW!!!!!!!

Looks great guys!

Kerry :o

02-01-2004, 12:44 PM
Wow! Guys


All that hard work really does pay off :thumbsup:

Thanks for all the time you Guy's put in ;)

Simply Rocks!!!


02-01-2004, 12:55 PM
Eventually the forum will be incorporated into the design and everything will be more stream-lined. I have been working on that. Chi sent me the template for it, I just have to apply it. We've been really excited about announcing it though, so I decided not to wait. There's a lot of information to be found in the Library, so that should keep folks busy til we finish the site. ;D


02-01-2004, 02:20 PM
WOW! What a great site, kudos to all involved for the hard work and great resources you continue to provide to discus lovers.


02-01-2004, 02:28 PM
It's awesome you guys! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making SIMPLY the BEST discus forum out there. :)

02-01-2004, 02:38 PM
Hey Chi, great job!


02-01-2004, 03:06 PM
Very nice guys. Another way to round out the site and offer more help to all hobbyists. Way to go!!!

02-01-2004, 06:07 PM
Wow -- great job ya'll :)

You done GOOD!

:) Donna

02-01-2004, 10:00 PM
Very classy.

02-01-2004, 10:24 PM
well..ive been watching the progress of this webiste for awhile now..and its great to see it up.
theres lots more room for more articles and pics and any other great stuff people would like to see or submit..im sure theyd be appreciated.
i agree. tons of great articles. and the good thing is.. most came from some great posts that were on simply forum. from the beginning till recent. so..easier to find than going through search .

02-01-2004, 11:46 PM
Hi everyone,
I don't know what to say except I am so Thrilled that we have this website up and running. Theres still alot of work to be done, but Its an awesome acheivement in my eyes!

Ryan and Chi ... Hats off to you guys.. hats off to this sites moderators as well for their time in all this... I know how much work went into all this!!! :) Its Simply Beautiful... and I can't tell you how proud I am of it.

I hope in the months ahead you will help us fill the gallery with pictures and library with articles.

Take care,

02-01-2004, 11:56 PM
The site looks really nice guys. Take a bow! :thumbsup:

02-02-2004, 12:44 AM
Very nicely done! Great job. :thumbsup: **Angie**

02-02-2004, 02:01 AM
great work team!!!! ;D ;D ;D

02-02-2004, 04:26 AM
'nuff said

02-02-2004, 10:03 AM
;D 1.Thankyou 2.Thankyou 3.Thankyou 4.Thankyou 5.Tha.......................................1000.T hankyou!

02-02-2004, 10:48 AM
amazing. congratulations to everybody. there's no question that this board has grown into an "empire" simply because of the positive attitude and beginner-friendly atmosphere. it takes new posters to grow, and this board has done nothing short of a spectacular job in welcoming in new keepers. when you come to simply discus for the first time you're not intimidated. you're not confused. you will, however, be overwhelmed at the sheer volume of knowledgeable people with good intentions and an undying love for the hobby. there's one reason this board casts a shadow over all the others: its people. weather you're 10 or 90, you'll always feel you're in good company here. big hand for the brew crew, house breeders and everyone else. i consider myself lucky to have been a part of this place since the beginning. bottom line: discus. are. the best. and so is simplydiscus. ;)

-mike t

02-02-2004, 01:05 PM
Thanks guys for the kind words.

It is much appreciated. I was grateful to have been a part of this project. It was a project that has been in the works for several months and I didn't think it will see the light due to our busy schedules.

It was a group effort that help shaped the site you see before you.

Hats off to Ryan for working so diligently in sending me the stuffs to work with. Hats off to the mods for working behind the scenes in preparing the materials and discussing all aspects of the site. And hats off to Al for giving me a chance to be a part of something wonderful. You guys have all worked so hard in getting this site to where it is today. So I applaud you all for the commitment, time and energy (and money) you've put into this site. You all deserved a round of applause.

And lastly hats off to all of you, the Simply members, it is with your continued support and feedbacks that help to make this site great.

This is only the beginning folks. So relax, enjoy and stick around for more great things to come.



02-02-2004, 01:07 PM
I am very impressed with the quality of Chi's work.

I'm also delighted to have my 15 seconds of fame. I'm the Poster Child for Newbies! That's me under Keeping Discus for Beginners! If the shoe fits....

02-02-2004, 06:33 PM
Hi all,
If you have not been able to access the new website... Log off simply and then back in again.. Hope you enjoy it!


02-02-2004, 10:15 PM
looks great guys ;)

02-02-2004, 10:35 PM
Al, Ryan and Chi.

Great job. I like the site pretty much.


02-03-2004, 12:45 AM
I was surprised when I went to my link and found "Simply Discus", the website not the board. I must copliment everyone on its appearance. Crisp and uncluttered, no distracting flash or animated graphics flitting across the page.

I don't envy filling the space but you have some wonderful threads to work with from this symposium.

Whomever put the sit together should send me an e-mail if they are looking to put something together for a fee.

02-03-2004, 03:49 AM
AWEsome Chi..that complete a good website with the best forum around.

02-03-2004, 04:03 AM
great site to navigate for the amount of information. congratulation.

02-03-2004, 12:19 PM
It's SIMPLY AWSOME guys!!!!

love it very much :bounce2:

billy s
02-03-2004, 06:26 PM
exellent resource, well done. :)

regards billy

02-04-2004, 01:54 AM
It's a great site with lots of inputs. Great job!

02-05-2004, 05:06 PM
Great Job! Thanks all for your hard works!


02-05-2004, 08:22 PM
Super sweet man, I really like the articles. A lot of sweet info in once place. Very nice! ;D

02-06-2004, 12:17 AM
Awesomw job guys! Keep it up!

02-08-2004, 09:23 AM
cool :o

02-13-2004, 11:33 PM
the new site is great!!!!! far and above any others. great work.

02-14-2004, 08:27 AM