View Full Version : Rumor Oh How Funny They Are

02-02-2004, 02:54 PM
It seems that there are some people that have nothing to do, than to start Rumor Mills.
So for once and for all I will tell the whole world as what is going on.
As most of you know that in Jan., 2003 I hurt my back, kind a bad. It has been over a year and all treatments have failed and I have no choice but to an operation, mid March 2004.
They are going to install titanium (sp) in between my verts. L1 thru L5 and fuse it all together. And in 2-3 weeks time I will be up and around. 40-60 odds and I have the 40 in my favor. And after a year or so of rehab I can get on with my life and HOPEFULLY BE PAIN FREE!!
My wife works and there is no way I can have her take care of all my tanks. She informed me that she will take care of 2-3 tanks daily and no more! After 25 years of marriage, when she says 2-3, I know not to push it. So with that in mind I had to decide as what to do with all the fish. It was very hard as some of you know the work that goes into raising and caring for the discus. Bending over and stooping hurts, I pray that there is no one else has to go through what I am. A simple water change takes an hour. So I disperesed them and to the people that acquired them, "THANK YOU" and please take care of my kids.
As for the friends, especially Jeff: You are one in a million. Thank You
My advice to all the DISCUS people in the world: W/C's, W/C's, W/C's & more W/C's, do atleast 50-75% daily and you will be surprised as how healthy your fish will be.

Take Care One and All

02-02-2004, 03:44 PM
Miles, I empathize with you, it has taken me a year to recuperate from my bilateral knee replacement. Had to get back to work early on with meds to help, they did not help much. It is so hard to keep up to the daily grind when you hurt like hell, it's been a nightmare. But now I'm back to riding when the freeze goes away & can do more than before the surgery. Now I find out that my lower spine is going to cause much grief, the MRI is scary, with stenosis, bulging & ruptured discs. Probably result of all these years of lifting & treating the large dogs & falling off horses as well as poor genetics. So, I will be thinking of you, & hopefully you will do well with the surgery & rehab (very important to a successful outcome). Oh, don't think I heard anything 'bout rumors, but I don't always keep up to the news, Wishing you the best, Dottie ::) PS, now too you will be a card carrying member of that "can't go thru the metal detectors" group!

02-02-2004, 03:53 PM
;D ;D Oh, & just think you'll have a great goal, to get back to your discus SAP. They'll be-a-waiting, & we'll be waiting to hear that you have good news, keep in touch, Good luck, Dottie

02-02-2004, 05:29 PM
Good better as soon as possible...I know you will be back on the links soon too .... ;)


02-02-2004, 09:03 PM
miles . i sure hope the operation works. you can always get more fish later..or get some nice fry back from "your kids". you can have less fish..but you still have the knowledge and the love. that doesnt go away.
hope we can all entertain you here on simply while your recooperating. we;re all here for you. take care and drop into chat when you can.

02-02-2004, 09:24 PM
Hope it all works out Miles . If i know you it wont take to long until your back at it.

02-02-2004, 09:25 PM
Get well soon and I hope for a full and successful recovery.
Nothing is more important then being healthy.


02-02-2004, 10:57 PM
good luck to your operation and hope you get well soon.

02-02-2004, 11:15 PM

Heres, wishing you the most speedy recovery possible !!!! I'll be praying for you !!!!

Best of luck !!!!!


02-03-2004, 12:16 AM
Miles I hope every thing goes ok for ya..I had the titaiumn (sp) thing done to 3 vertabrae in the upper neck and fused together,not quite a yr ago.
Still can't lift heavy things but the pain is soooooooo much better and hopefully things will be as good for you.
Hurry and get well and back to discus


02-03-2004, 08:59 AM
Hi Miles,
I didn't here any rumors either but I do know what your going through with the constant pain. Almost 4 yrs ago I was attacked by a 160 lb. Great Dane. I now have permanent nerve damage in my left hip which leaves me in pain 24/7.
I wish you luck with your surgery.

Donna :)

02-03-2004, 10:56 AM
You take care of yourself. At least your wife said that she will take care of a few tanks for you! My husband wouldn't know what to do with ANY fish!

Log on to SIMPLY often. Your comments and advice are always welcome and appreciated.

02-03-2004, 02:34 PM
Best of luck to you Miles! I am rooting for ya! Frank

02-03-2004, 10:09 PM


02-03-2004, 11:01 PM
Sorry to hear of your back problems Miiles, I will be wishing the best for you. Take care.......and the best of luck!


02-04-2004, 01:44 PM
Oddly, I got involved with cichlids a year and a half ago, after getting hit by a drunk driver and suffering a very bad back injury myself. I found the fish soothing to watch when I was scared(there was some fear of paralysis as I started losing more and more sensation in my legs, and I have maintained a spastic paralysis in my left leg to this day), and when the pain was unbearable they were a distraction. And there were always books to read on cichlids, when all I could do was lie there. So I am VERY glad that you will be able to keep 2 to 3 of your tanks, even if you cannot be super active in their care. At least you can still watch them. I empathize with you, and I hope all goes well with the surgery. I know that I am brand new to this site, but I just really felt for you and wanted to wish you the best.

02-04-2004, 01:47 PM
Hi Miles,

Hope you get well soon :)

Take care and regards,
Ronny :)