View Full Version : Finally we have action (now eggs are on the floor)

02-05-2004, 03:52 AM
Well I had a batch of eggs which appeared several weeks ago which didnt make it... a combination of being knocked off, too small a tank, eggs placed too close to the filter intake just didnt equate to a successful outcome...

BUT... we learn as we go...

so now in a MUCH bigger tank, in a true Blackwater Amazon environment (heaps of Peat, tannins, leaf matter, Amazonian plants, etc) they have decided to spring a surprise... I go out for an hour or so, come back to close to 200 eggs on the back glass with the Female still going and the Male fertilising them (and defending there prized area with a vengeance - if any of the 5 Blue Diamonds come close, they are quickly put in there place)...

here are a few pics... sorry couldnt help myself...

sorry about the patchy quality, they picked the darkest spot in the tank, and the sun is glaring from the other side of the room... but you WILL get the idea...

mmmmmm, might lay one here... and here

another one here...

and here...

...and I will fertilise these little dudes... (Dad at work)

More pics will be loaded on my site over the next few days

02-05-2004, 05:50 AM
mollyman, congratulations mate

it's matt (from miranda...just around the corner from you)...

i hope they go well. i'd love to come over and see them some time. let me know if they are ready for visitors and i'll bring a beer or two


02-05-2004, 07:06 AM
Thanks Matt... I might just have to offer an invite...

(pssssst will have to schedule it when my new little tank arrives... 72" x 30" x 24" + 30" x 18" x 18" custom mini-reef filter) lol

I think moving might be in order soon... a small 2br apartment, and soon close to 1,000 gallons of water is scary...

Update... Mum is doing fine, hasnt left the eggs, and Dad is pretty much right by her side... (except when it came to chow time)

02-05-2004, 08:03 AM
cool pic'
they look's great

02-06-2004, 03:15 PM
Cross your fingers and hope those eggs will hatch for you

02-06-2004, 04:42 PM
Nice pictures MollyMan :)

02-06-2004, 11:54 PM
:-[ :'( :-[

Well sadly I left to go to work this morning well before the sun came up so I didnt disturb the sleeping beauties, but soon after I recieved the phone call I didnt want to get...

Not a single egg left and Mom & Dad looking fruitlessly for eggs...

Just last night I painstakingly counted them (223 in total) all looked good and fertilised...

Water parameters are fine, and both the parents let nothing near the eggs... the filter intake is too far away to be a factor???

UG!!! back to the drawing board...

02-07-2004, 12:47 AM
Don't expect much success until they have their own tank. Maybe a divider will keep the other fish away.

02-07-2004, 12:51 AM
how beautifull i bet you can't stop watching ;D

02-12-2004, 07:15 AM
Well after a couple of failed attempts, they have done it again...

I relocated the breeding pair to a 25g bare bottom tank... added a breeding cone, a couple of rocks (to help stabilise the custom sponge filter)...

But I dont know if they are crazy, or just like tormenting me... she laid the eggs on the floor???

Now this is going to pose an interesting problem... I vac the floor every day when doing there 20% daily water change, so what now??? and will they make it??? (I am not sure if the Male has fertilised them as it happenned whilst I was at work - typical)

Any advice or suggestions appreciated...




02-12-2004, 11:21 AM
Try vac around the eggs. I hope they hatch for you! Keep us posted :D

02-19-2004, 07:19 PM
well that last batch of eggs didnt make it past day 2...

but one week later and guess what???

more eggs, again, on the floor... this time though they have been there for 48hrs (and a bit) and they have culled the numbers down a bit, but it looks like thye have left the darker eggs (there were a few white ones which have gone)

anyway, the champagne is still on ice...
