View Full Version : Interesting Parent/Fry Behavior

02-10-2004, 04:20 PM
This is only my second batch of fry to raise, but observed something interesting today that I'd like to hear someone's explanation for. This is the fourth day free swimming.

The parents seem to have "parked" the fry on the back side of the flower pot. The school goes up and down the flower pot as though it were the side of one of the parents, even grazing off it. One of the parents is always close by, and there is a steady stream of fry going from pot to parent or vice versa. Never seen anything written about this.

I assume this gives the parents some rest from the fry and allows one of them to go off and feed more easily. They actually both left the fry briefly to come to me when I fed them this morning. Otherwise one parent can be seen wandering around the tank at times, although they mostly both stay by the fry.

Is there something on the surface of the flower pot the fry are eating? Rotifers maybe or slime that has just been absorbed onto the pot's surface.

Have others observed this, and what is your speculation about the reasons for it?

Is this something that happens in the wild? Do they hide their brood on the underside of a tree root or something for protection?

Will be interested to read people's observations. Have attached a picture below.

02-10-2004, 04:56 PM
I have no answer to your question but just wanted to say SWEET picture. You should be proud.

Cary M.

02-10-2004, 05:38 PM
That is a cute picture. Yes, I have seen them do this. The fry are attracted to the pot. It may have rotifers or may just look like a parent ;D