View Full Version : small adoult's

02-11-2004, 04:44 AM
i dont know the name in english to that problem
so : i got a pair op discus leopard ss * bb
they r very smal but 2 y/o
they had laid coupel of time ( no wiggler's )
my q - is the fact that they r small effact they fry ?


02-11-2004, 11:31 AM

It will depend on what made them small. If its their genetic predisposition to be small then there is a good chance that some or all of their fry will be small. More than likely though it is because they were not taken care of properly when they were young. In that case, it is an environmental condition and there fry will more than likely be capable of growing to their full potential size.

I have a couple of adults that I "rescued" from an lfs that are quite small as well. They have become very pretty fish. They eat well and are friendly but they just didn't get very big. They are among my favorite fish and I wouldn't give them up for all of the tea in China!


02-12-2004, 02:18 AM
thenk's ryan.
they r small becouse the men that grou them had very
small tenk
they r now about 2 years & i got them 4 month ego
