View Full Version : I don't know what this is.....

02-16-2004, 10:39 AM
Hi, I can't make out what's going on. I'm not sure how to even explain it but the fish look like they're being quickly zapped. It looks like a seizure??? ??? Sorry I'm having so much trouble explaining the action but it can't be caught by pic either :( Is it normal for discus to quickly rub together their.. what I call trailers..those long trailing fins in the bottom front?They also are breathing alittle rapidly and take the odd occassion to extend their mouths for a big breath?? I've asked this silly question before but... my discus hold one fin clamped some of the time but not most of the time...are they resting..not feeling well? Last answer was discus used "both arms" to swim. Physically the fish appear ok, you can check them out on the pics section pgs 13 and 14 posted by brettg starting at the bottom with a blue diamond. I'm worried..pls, if you can help that would be great.

Have 12 discus in 125 gallon tank. Use straight tap (dechlorinated).Water change of 30% every second day. Uv Sterilizer runs 8 hrs per day. Temp about 85/86. Water parameters are all good. Feed twice a day, some variety of blood worms,tetra colour bits,brine shrimp, flake. no plants but about 1 inch of large stone gravel.

Thanks a bunch :)

02-16-2004, 01:21 PM
Are you talking about when the discus rub their "legs" together? If yes, this is just scratching or removing feces. The "yawning" maybe cleaning their gills. All normal behaviors ;D