View Full Version : What goes in the automatic feeder?

02-19-2004, 11:27 PM
Good evening all,

My name is Tom and I have been posting mostly in the newbie forum- got my discus tank yesterday and preparing for fish in 6-8 weeks time.

Great posts here and I greatly appreciate all the time you guys have taken to share recipes.

I never thought I could get much use out of a Walmart salad shooter- but it appears there is one in my future Carol! ;)

Two questions.

I am timing the delivery of my first fish with my departure from my current job in mid-April. This will allow me to be here at home a LOT when they are first getting going. But then it will be time to work again and so I wonder the following,

1. Each morning after I feed the fish a recipe of yummy fresh stuff, what do I put in the automatic feeder to cover them for 2-3 feedings during the day before I get home to do fresh stuff again? Even if cooked and frozen, will some of these fresh meat dishes spoil and be a serious danger if they are sitting in that auto feeder for several hours until dispensed? How about freeze dried worms and the like? Flake or pellet foods ok?

2. Let's say I spoil them with fresh delightful food during those weeks I am home before I go back to work. Does that create a backlash when they have to go on autofeeder during the day and maybe eat alternative things? Wierd question I know, but the more I read the more I think these discus are pretty damned smart (and willing to show it!)

Thanks for any thoughts!


02-20-2004, 12:31 AM
You want to use pellets or flake in the feeders. Which ever dry food you choose make sure the pieces are uniform in size.

Feed the messy, fresh, meaty foods when you are home prior to the daily water change.

02-21-2004, 12:06 AM
Thanks Carol!

And btw- great tips on handling beefheart! I appreciate your data with the pics.

I have already resigned myself to daily water changes, and I am ready to do all sorts of fresh foods, but I am gonna draw the line at keeping live worms and grubs in my house lol.

Good to know there are options!

Just curious- when you freeze your food in small portions, any freezer burn issues? How much food can I safely make in advance? A week's worth?

Thanks for all the guidance!


02-21-2004, 01:04 AM
I grind one zip lock bag and have not had a problem with freezer burn. It lasts more than a week - maybe two weeks. When used up I grind another. I have a couple of bags of heart chunks in reserve. I put the crumbles in a plastic cup to feed to various tanks. That way the bag of crumbles stays frozen.