View Full Version : It's all in the water

02-22-2004, 12:51 PM
A pipe burst at a water processing plant in my town that allowed an unknown concentration of iron in the water. A short time later some of my fish stopped eating. So I called Frank, who I bought the fish from and who I've already called a number of times with questions and is always extremely helpful and reassuring. He was afraid that the fish had hex. As per his instructions I raised temp to 92 and added salt. He also recommended metro which I didn't do,sorry Frank, because I'm just not crazy about using meds. He also recommended installing a carbon block filter for my storage tank, which I did. Well, I did all this Friday night, did two 50% water changes yesterday and will do two more today, as of this morning three of the four fish that weren't eating are now eating and look alot better. The moral of the story is it really is the water that you put in the tank that makes a difference to the health and well being of your discus. Thanks again Frank.


02-22-2004, 01:20 PM
The moral of the story is it really is the water that you put in the tank that makes a difference to the health and well being of your discus. Thanks again Frank.


Right on! Good water and having good healthy stock to start with ;D