View Full Version : fish & parasite? (classification of both)

02-22-2004, 02:20 PM
I adopted this guy yesterday from someone who did not know how to care for him and I was wondering if any one could help me id him and/or his problem.(photo's)

It seems that he has had a white cotton ball like growth on his abdomen wich was mostly gone due to treatment w/ maracyn & salt by the previous owner, when I got him into my quar. tank (20gal.)I continued w/ the maracyn tabs as dir. and two tblsp. of salt/10 gal. of tap water & 30% w.c. daily now, as you can see his tummy seems to be concaved where the growth was, could this have been an intestinal parasite or external?

My next question is what to do for him now he does not seem to want any food but is atleast swimming/looking much better, accept for his tummy will this condition subside after treatment or is it permanent? also when is it safe to let him co-exsist w/ others?

02-22-2004, 02:27 PM
Green or Turq.? tell me what you think.