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View Full Version : protein supplement for humans

02-24-2004, 01:49 AM
well i was just wondering if this supplement my brother uses for body building is good to mix in with the dicus food. This is what is says on the bottle.

Whey protein is derived from milk and has an amino acid profile that is closely related to the amino acids required by the human body. Whey protein's high biological value and surplus of essential amino acids provides and optimal balance of amino acids needed for protein synthesis. Mega Isolate is an ion exchance whey protein that contains more than 90% protein with minimal lactose and fat.

This is the Nutrition facts in the back: per serving
calories 220
fat 2%
cholesterol 2%
Sodium 5%
Potassium 8%
total carbs 1%
sugars 1gram
Protein 50 grams

vitamin A 50%
Vit C 50%
Calcium 70%
Iron 2%
Vitamin D 50%
Vitamin E 50%
Vitamin K 50%
Thiamin 50%
Riboflavin 50%
Niacin 50%
Vitamin B6 50%
Folic Acid 50%
Vitamin B12 50%
Biotin 50%
Panthothenic Acid 50%
PHosphorus 50%
Iodine 50%
Magnesium 50%
Zinc 50%
Selenium 50%
Copper 50%
Manganese 50%
Chromium 50%
Molybdenum 50%

02-24-2004, 03:32 AM
I would not use a protein suppliment made from whey or soy. Neither digests well in a discus' system, or so I have read.

I have experimented with different suppliments over the years, including amino acids, super high calcium additions, and protein powders. I used L-arginine & L-orinthine which are amino acids that are sort of like precursors to growth hormones. Perhaps I didn't have the right combination of the above products, but I either noticed nothing benificial or produced some freaks. I have had batches of fry that looked like angelfish with high pointed dorsal and anal fins, and grotesquely large, twisted pectoral fins. Even at 3-3 1/2", they looked like brackish water Monos swimming around.

A discus can only metabolize so much of any nutriant anyway, so all these super high protein diets don't serve much usefulness anyway most of the time. The average keeper suffers more problems from the bad water quality the excess protein causes than any real benefits. Keep it Simple. :)