View Full Version : Leeches!?

02-26-2004, 03:24 AM
Somehow a leech made it's way into one of my 10 gallon quarantine tanks containing a golden pearscale angelfish and 12 rummynose tetra...I don't understand it, I haven't fed any live foods, introduced any plants besides pothos vines or done anything else I could think of that might get this little guy in there...luckily I found it before it did any damage (I thought it was a peice of poo at first, but it wouldn't syphon up...then I saw it move!)...

Now I'm worried about my discus tank as I've added pothos trimmings to it as well, will formalin take care of any problems in the tank, or do I even have anything to worry about?

02-26-2004, 03:32 AM
leaches are usually harmless . they do come in on live worms..not sure how you got it..
i wouldnt worry. im sure all is fine. IMO.