View Full Version : deworming...is it necessary?

02-29-2004, 02:47 AM
Hi, is it necessary to deworm your discus? Do you deworm on a regular maintenance basis or only when you suspect a worm concern? Is Prazi the best type of medication to you as a preventative or cure?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

02-29-2004, 08:37 AM
I now deworm with prazi when I get new fish. Have rid them of some tapeworms. Prazi is very good for this and the fish do well with it. Only one fish stopped eating, but it was a finicky fish to start and has not grown well. It is now in its own tank for evaluation.
I use metro only when hex is suspected.
I have flubendazole and pipzine if necessary to treat for capillaria, but haven't needed them in recent yrs. (no symptoms or observation under microscope)


02-29-2004, 03:03 PM
I just recently finished a 7 day treatment with Prazi on my discus with gill flukes and it was a great success. Doesn't quite dissolve well in water but it is a great preventative and cure. Heres a link with more info on prazi

http://www.koivet.com/html/articles/articles_details.php?article_id=198&category=13&na me=Medications
