View Full Version : disappering cory cats?

03-01-2004, 04:41 PM
i'm in the progress of moving and have also been out of state this past two weeks so i elected to have a priend look in on my discus and other fish. in the discus tank there were two cory cats. these cory cats have gone missing. i couldnt' find them or thier remains when i moved the tank. i did completely emply the tank. i checked all the filters and such but still they were missing.
My only thought is that the discus could hae eaten them. the discus were being fed twice a day during this time but i'm unsure how much since i wasn't doing it.

anyone heard of or seen this before?

03-01-2004, 04:47 PM
I doubt that your discus would eat the cories completely so that there was no trace. If they died and the discus chewed them up, I think you would still find some parts in the tank.

Is it possible they jumped out and flopped away from the tank or that a cat or dog ate them? That seems more likely to me.


03-01-2004, 05:14 PM
well anything is possible. the cat was in the old place for about a week with my friend tending to the fish. although the gouramis would be an easy and accessible catch for the cat, they were fine.
i do have a full lid/canopy on the discus tank.
i just don't understand why i didn't find any remains.
most likely they did jump out and would have been quickly consumed by the fat lazy cat.

03-01-2004, 05:21 PM
I do see cory's do that dart to the surface...but never seem to hit the top glass no matter how startled....I don't think they are likely to jump...and you have a lid....
maybe spontaneous combustion?..

sounds like a mystery, inside a riddle wrapped around an enigma.... ;D

03-01-2004, 05:32 PM
I have a friend who told me her discus would in fact kill and eat her cory cats! (However, it was later revealed to me that she made a catfish meat mix to feed to her discus!). I can't imagine the discus crunching the cory's amour, but I have no reason to doubt her.

03-01-2004, 05:40 PM

I had a school cories in a tank with a pair of convicts a few years back ( quite a few, actually) and when the convicts were "in the mood" they would torment and chase the cories until they did jump out of the tank. I lost 6 of them in a few weeks time - I'd come home from school and they would be dried up behind the tank. And there was very little space for them to get out, too, they must have gone through the space where the outflow of the power filters went.

If a cat came along... That's the mystery right there!


03-01-2004, 08:56 PM
Absolutely, discus will eat cory cats, especially the smaller species. I've lost Corydoras pygmaeus and C. hasteus, even C. panda. These are barebottom tanks so there's no place for the remains to hide.


03-02-2004, 09:47 AM
I too have owned convicts.....and they can be some real death-row bad-boy cichlids...now honestly....have you ever seen a discus who chased a cory like that...
If they were really small and sick maybe I could see a discus giving some chase...but a healthy fast cory....discus are to lazy...even with tetras which are more mouth size they really don't bother with them unless you have a stressed out stragler....
Any who....how have you been...
My desktop 12g at work is really nice with the shell-dwellers you suggested. It is a constant topic of discussion....

03-02-2004, 10:41 AM

Must be some hungry discus! Since I have not seen this personally, I must take your word for it! I am certainly no expert on keeping cories with discus since I have never done it!


I haven't kept discus and cories myself - but some other mild mannered cichlids can really chase them at breeding time.

As for your shell-dwellers, not to steal the thread, but which species did you end up chosing and do you now have a ton of babies? I'd like to see a pic!


03-02-2004, 11:23 AM

Lamprologus brevis..and some other juvies which I will have to move as they get to large.....I'll have to take some pics for ya.....

sorry for the hijack....but not sure what else than can be said on the subject...