View Full Version : Corys and firemouths

03-03-2004, 09:03 PM
Well, I had a succuessful spawn of Corydoras Paleatus. I now have about 20 fry. Here is a pic. the small black tadpole like dots are them.

Also my firemouths spawned in a flowerpot. Here are a couple pics. (eggs are hard to see)

Hope you like them.

03-03-2004, 09:04 PM

03-03-2004, 09:05 PM

03-03-2004, 11:34 PM
Firemouths can breed like rabbits! A male firmouth in breeding colors is pretty cool though, huh?

Cary, the lesser

03-04-2004, 10:06 AM
I like firemouths - the wild ones, not the hormoned pet shop guys or the faded domesticly bred guys. They are very attractive and don't get huge. I think they are a superior beginner's cichlid and still hold appeal to the advanced aquarist. Let us see when they get bigger, Ardan!

As far as cory's - I never had any spawn, but I think they are cool little fish. You will certainly have plenty now! Can we see pics of the parents? Also, do they display any parental care or do they pretty much ignore the fry. Plus - did you get them to spawn in a community tank or were you making an effort to spawn them.

I'm just full of questions today!


03-04-2004, 07:09 PM
Here is a pic of a parent.

I had 6 in a 15 gallon along with 6 glowlight tetras. This is the corys second spawn. the first one (after a wc) I left them in with the eggs. they ate them.

this time I removed all fish. After one wk they were hatched and swimming.
I was trying to get them to spawn.

thanks forall the remarks! :D