View Full Version : Preparing a tank for QT - suggestions

03-04-2004, 04:41 PM
Let's say I am converting a barebottom tank which previously had some fish which I wasn't sure if they were "clean" of parasites, etc... into a quarantine tank for new fish. To "clean" it out, would you suggest that I:

a.) pour bleach into the water inside the tank and let that run through the filter for a couple of days, then drain out all the water, refill, and use plenty of dechlorinator.

b.) do the "potassium permanganate purple until brown dosage", keep the filter running, then drain and refill.

c.) drain out all the water and let it air dry for a week then refill.

d.) all of the above.

e.) something else?

Please let me hear some ideas on this (a couple of people already have said to use PP, but I've used bleach before and it worked fine). Thanks!


03-04-2004, 05:30 PM

03-04-2004, 05:31 PM
I pretty much do the same except I nuke the sponges in the microwave and I napalm the tank with formalin instead of p.p(yes my silicone is dark blue)
I do keep a supply of seeded and amonia fed sponges in a big rubbermaid container, but I also change alot of water on qt fishes daily drips+50% manual X2 a day.

03-04-2004, 05:42 PM
When I am preparing any tank .I take it out into the garden use the hose and give it a really good going over.I dont use bleach always a bit wary.