View Full Version : Northeast Discus Meeting

David N
03-07-2004, 01:23 AM
:D To our host " The Brewmaster", thank you for your hospitality. His dark brew is excellent.

:D To our guest speakers, David Webber and Cary Strong your enthusiasm and obvious love of your and our hobby is great. I learned many new things today and any day you learn something new is a good day.

:D To all the other aficionados I met today, it was my pleasure to meet you all. It's nice to know that I'm not the only other person in this world with fish "issues" lol.


ps. couldn't help but grab a few of fish that brew had swimming around. It took all of 5 minutes for them to start swimming around the qt tank looking for food.

pps. the distance from Brew's place to the Cross Bronx is "The Allman Brother Greatest Hits" all 16 songs. ;D

03-07-2004, 11:42 AM
Cool! :thumbsup:


03-07-2004, 04:05 PM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Hey everyone, it was a great meeting! Lots of fun, meeting new discus buffs, seeing familiar ones & having David W & Cary S give very nice presentations about these neat fish. A big thanks to them & to Al, who not only conjured up all these niceties, but then he & his wife entertained us at his home. I can't speak for the brew cuz I had to drive another 4 hrs home & I never got into drinking beer or ale, but the guys were sure going nuts over it. Just put up my new pc, so at this point I'm too tired to type more after getting home after 11pm last nite, so later.... but it was nice to see everyone... pics will be coming, Dottie ;D

03-07-2004, 06:33 PM
Ok how about some pictures ;D...especially one of that "Gumba" Frank :-\

Sounds like everyone had a great time and the meeting was a success..


03-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Somebody gets some pics up already sheeeesh!!!
..... Wish I could of made that trip Al........ Sounds like you guys and gals had a Great time.....

How many Drunk ones did ya have to drive home Al??? ;D


03-07-2004, 07:47 PM
Nice to meet all of you this weekend. Always have a good time when fish nuts get together. Any of you get up to the Rochester NY area be sure to get hold of me Gary or Mench. Thank you Al, Dave and Cary for this great weekend .

Beth nice picture, how about one when you two are fighting


03-07-2004, 08:12 PM
It was really nice to meet everyone.

Cary and David Webber. Great job. I learned a bunch of stuff I did not know before. Now to apply it before I forget....hmm did anyone take notes? ;D

My wife was nice enough to go along with me. At first she was a little hesitant to go. But during the car ride home. She said she had an awesome time and was wondering when the next one would be. Now getting her to do some w/c is whole other story.


Ps. Only drawback is I heard the wifes tell stories. They were talking about collaborating on a book. Also mumble something about hot showers.

03-07-2004, 09:22 PM
Well, since no one else has posted some pics, I may as well post the few I took. nOt the best pics...still learning about the functions of my camera! Being that pics of FRank are about as rare as a Black discus, I guess we''l start with him!

03-07-2004, 09:24 PM
Here's one of David Webber. He gave a very interesting talk about the discus habitats, and his experiences there together with some really interesting pics.....

03-07-2004, 09:24 PM
Another of David...

03-07-2004, 09:29 PM
Ummmm...that wasn't David! It was Al! Sorry bout that...this one is David

03-07-2004, 09:30 PM
Here's Cary....someone asked him about Curipera prices and he just saw red!!!!

03-07-2004, 09:33 PM
another of Cary

03-07-2004, 09:34 PM
here's Mary (fshngal)

03-07-2004, 09:35 PM
The technical genius of Henry and Al...

03-07-2004, 09:36 PM
this is Henry, Darkdiscus and Al....

03-07-2004, 09:38 PM
and here's one last one of Al. I'd like to thank Al and the speakers for a fgreat program, and all the folks there for a great time!!!


03-07-2004, 09:43 PM
OMG>>>>> someone give Caryhttp://mysmilies.ipbfree.com/s/contrib/dvv/sconf.gif a Hyde dip or something... he is possessedhttp://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/ruinkai/FIREdevil.gif with something.. external>>> internal who cares................................. HURRY! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

An' Al.. you are havin' wayyyyyyyyyyy too much fun for haven been playin in the mud... you clean up well! ;)

Great to see some new faces!!!

Jean ;D 8)

03-07-2004, 09:48 PM
The pics are good Rich...esp. the one of that Frank fellow!! 8)

Jen K. ;D

03-07-2004, 09:57 PM
Great Pics! Thanks for sharing!

Looks like a great time :D

03-07-2004, 09:58 PM
Looked like a great time. Nice job guys!!! ;)

03-07-2004, 10:04 PM
WoW!!!! Jean...... I think you're right...... Cary definitely looks possessed...... maybe it was the ale or some of that homemade brew ??? ;D

Thanks for taking the time to post those pics Rich they all look Great ;)


03-07-2004, 10:51 PM
great pics of some of my favourite people. thanks for sharing. one of these days when im rich..im gonna fly there for one of those northeast conventions!! but if i get going.. i will see you all there for the ACA.

03-07-2004, 11:00 PM
Ok here is some pictures I took at Dave Webbers. Hope he is ok with me posting them.

03-07-2004, 11:01 PM

03-07-2004, 11:01 PM

03-07-2004, 11:02 PM

03-08-2004, 12:07 AM
hi had a great time met lots of great people hope to see you all soon dennis

03-08-2004, 12:38 AM
They said Frank was an alien?! ;)

Nice pictures!! ;D

03-08-2004, 01:28 AM
I will second what everyone has been saying...We had a great time meeting ole friends and meeting new ones.
I would like to thank first my friend David Webber for the wonderful visit we had...we stopped at his place for a visit on Fri.afternoon...Got to talk with David and Cary and of course Dizzy,who like David needs a haircut LOL.
We got to gaze upon tank after tank of super looking fish and rays then David proceded to cook us a super lunch..but then of course we HAD to watch the Yankee game (David is a avid fan).I for one feel very fortunate to call David a friend,he is a class act for sure....Yeah Cary I will include you too.....
Now for the meeting and Al's place..great food great speakers then to Al's for beers,salsa,wings and lots of fish..what more could ya ask for
Oh I did manage to bring home a few beautys from Al's stock...Steve and Gary talked me into it.
Many thanks to Al and his wife for opening thier home to a bunch of discus nuts.
Hope to see everyone at the ACA.


03-08-2004, 03:37 AM
"Oh I did manage to bring home a few beautys from Al's stock...Steve and Gary talked me into it"

We are NOT brain dead here.. that line doesn't work with us.. we know ya betta than that! ::)

Jeanie BB ;D 8)

03-08-2004, 08:22 AM
Hi everyone,
That meeting was a real great one! I'd like to thankour speakers again for their part in all this...Cary for leaving his home and flying out here to spend his time with us, and giving a great talk on domestics, and Dave webber for driving Hours to the airport , picking up Cary, housing him, and for his great talk on the Amazon. You guys Rock!!!!

Also special thanks to HenryD for his help with the presentations, Henry brought along his laptop because mine was just to slow and then worked the projector for the talks. Thanks Henry!! You were a life saver My friend!

Nice pics Rich!..I thought we were friends!! :-\ :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have to thank everyone that attended for making it such a great time. We are definitely blessed with some great people in this hobby of ours. Theres something about these meetings face to face that make them so much better than just reading replys on the board.. If ones in your areas...attend.. They make the difference in how you think of who you deal with on the boards. I am really looking forward to similar chances to sit down and just enjoy the hobby and company.

Hey rumor has it that the next NE Discus Meeting may be out more upstate NY..Near Dave Webbers or The rochester guys way....we'll see ;)

I have lots of photos to share, but I need to coordinate with darkdiscus so may take a few days...but at least we all got to see the infamous man without a face ...aka Frank! :)

Theres one other person I really need to thank, and she doesn't read this board but I wanted to write it anyway... My wife, Carrie. Some of us are blessed with a spouse that accepts our Hobby and doesn't mind us spending time with our fishes... But in my case.. Mine supports me in this hobby 100+%. She tolerates the tanks( and theres alot!) , the expenses, the calls and hours on line... and this weekend.. The disruption that 30 people in town for a meeting brings..... She not only tolerated, but hosted it and welcomed everyone into our home, and all that this entails. So Thank You Carrie!! If anyone made this meeting possible ...It was you :) and I am Very Lucky!


03-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Beautiful faces and beautiful tanks! All compliments the love that we have for our discus. Thanks for sharing those photos!

Al, you hit the nail on the head! You're very fortunate to find such a sweet and caring individual such as your wife. Bravo to the two of you. :thumbsup:


03-08-2004, 10:03 AM
Al, thanks for inviting us, Carrie, thanks for putting up with us...the wings were good & of course the home-brews washed them down nicely....
Henry...thanks for the tech support & usual cheerfulness.
It was a huge dilemma for me...Yankees on the big screen ( Vs Phillies) at the bar or talk to 30 discus nuts......I chose the Discus nuts & the Yanks lost that one
I actually found my notes after I had finished the talk & realize that I had forgotten a couple of points re the water & where it all comes from , the different types etc so now I am wondering how much actually made sense ....but..... next time........

Cary, excellent talk, informative, entertaining, funny & well prepared...thankyou

Thanks to everyone who attended, it was so nice to put faces to all the forum names I know so well.....Dottie....Korbi is a sweetie.....as you see I am totally dog cwazy...Ron, Gary, Steve , Frank....everyone....thankyou


03-08-2004, 10:12 AM
I also had a great time there meeting everyone I would like to thank Al ( BREWMASTER ;D ;D ;D ) for picking me up at the airport and taking me back and for the side trip we made :) :) :) I second what David said good company good wings and good BEER ;D ;D ;D ;D ( right David ;D ;D ) nice talking to you. i got pics to post later when i am off from work. Again thanks Al. thanks Mench Gary and Steve for the taxi also :) :) :) hope to see you all agin soon.

Ps nice to meet you in person Cary ;D ;D

03-08-2004, 11:09 AM
Wow Gang!!!!

It sure sounds like everyone had a great time. Just wish I could have been there to share the fun and learn. I am definitely going to try and make the new meeting...so get a move on Al. ;D ;D

Al, here's to all the spouses and significant others whom understand our ADDICTION with Discus!! :thumbsup:

Regards, Lester

03-08-2004, 11:51 AM
Dear Al and Simply Members,

You are a great host and thank you for hosting such an educational and informational NE Discus Meeting. The food was very tasty and the location was superb. Cary and Dave's presentations where remarkable and extremely informative. Dave just love the accent. Thank you both for taking the time to travel and present at the meeting. Your expertise is invaluable and very helpful. Thank you Henry for providing the technicals, a very professional set-up. Simply Members have a lot more to offer than just fish.

Al and Carrie, it was very kind of you to open your home to all of us, thanks for the after meeting get together. Carrie a special thank you for redirecting me to your home. I got a little sidetracked on the phone trying to manage some spawns and got lost. CT Discus is a really nice place with lots of different fishies, the Discus where excellently maintained and gorgeous. Those BD's were just lovely and I believe you may still have some available. I just loved your pearlscale angelfish, they were beautiful. Quite a quality operation, congratulations and best of luck in the coming years.

It was a pleasure to meet those of you for the first time, Gary, Mench, Nigel, Dottie, Henry and others. The simply family real knows how to host a meeting. Thank you for the opportunity to come out and meet everyone face to face. Frank, my friend, it was wonderful to see you, handsome as ever.

As we are in start-up mode at our hatchery, DD Discus, Inc., juve's raised in our hatchery will start to become available shortly. Our breeder pairs are mainly Standard Discus strains. Angelfish, standard and veiltail strains are also available, contact me at msube1@comcast.net for availability.

I look forward to chatting with all of you on the forum. Simply is obvious the place to be---

Cary you are the man!!! Awsome Discus crosses and breeding information. Best of luck with the new set-up. Plan to visit your location when up and running.

Fshngal aka Mary @ DD Discus, Inc.

03-08-2004, 01:45 PM
Just wondering has anyone ever thought to get a camcorder and video the presentations that way some that want them could trade buy etc?

03-08-2004, 02:59 PM
Far too Incriminating! ;) ;D ;D ;D


03-08-2004, 03:02 PM
Great, great time all! Wonderful hospitality and presentations, and a nice trip with my two LI buds, Chuck and Brian. Makes me want to go to Atlanta next month, and damn, I cannot wait for the ACA this year! Thanks Al, you are the best. Frank

03-08-2004, 05:38 PM
Just wondering has anyone ever thought to get a camcorder and video the presentations that way some that want them could trade buy etc?

I HATE having my picture taken & altho you probably wouldn't believe it ;D I don;t much like the sound of my own voice either ;) especially taped, how come it always sounds like I just inhaled helium? :P :'( ???

David N
03-08-2004, 06:09 PM
A couple of things I picked up at the meeting;

In regards to David W and wild discus, sometimes a green looks brown, a blue might look green and some of the fish out in the amazaon aren't where they're supposed to be! The nerve! LOL! The only thing that counts is if you like the way it looks.

In regards to Cary, I realized that I don't have enough tanks! I didn't see a fish I didn't want :crazy: Does anyone have any ideas on how sneak about 10 tanks into the house without the wife noticing? LOL

btw crossing a golden to a PB takes the pepper out. See, I was listening Cary.

I'm looking forward to when we do this again.
David N

03-09-2004, 03:27 PM
Yes Al your wife is a keeper to put up with all the fish you have and the let 20 fish nuts come to the house was nice of her.
I told my wife of all the food that was left and her eyes got as big as one of Cary's big fish. When I told her Dave had a porkchop left she hit me :)

Carolina discus
03-09-2004, 04:28 PM
Greetings All,
Sounds like a great time, sorry I missed it but I have had my hands full trying to get everything arranged for the Southern workshop in Atlanta. We would love to have all of you attend down here!!!!
Al and I have joked about having a "East Coast" gathering at some point so you never know!!
Anyway, I just wanted to extend an open invention to all if you can make the trip down.
BTW, I posted some great fares on Airtran to Atlanta...Check it out....
Please contact me if I can be of any help.

03-10-2004, 08:18 AM
If anyone can attend that Southern Workship Eric Is organizing... You'd be crazy not to! I hear alot of great things will be happening there!

Hats off to you Eric for taking the time to organize that workshop... I know well what it entails... ;)

I like the idea of that East Coast workshop more all the time Eric. Once you get thru this southern one... we'll talk more! ;) :) :) :)

Good luck with it!

03-10-2004, 08:53 PM
C'mon people, head on down to Southern Discus, we'll be glad to have ya plus just think of the good food that you will get to eat! ;D