View Full Version : Vitamin-enriched live Brine, how?

03-09-2004, 01:48 PM
Howdy, all. I have some sick fish in quarantine that I just got from the LFS.

(Buying them may have been a mistake, but I look at it as an opportunity to learn quarantine and disease treatment procedures with $17 locally guarinteed fish before I spend $55 on shipping good ones that cost double or triple that... Anyhow:)

I'm told that live Brine Shrimp don't have enough nutrition to feed exclusively, but I don't want to force them to eat a new food until they're off the medications. So, I need to enrich the brine with some vitamins or something. How do I do that? What vitamin solution do I use? Etc?

Full story, if it's helpful:

The fish are in treatment with heat and melafix for what initially looked like fungus on the 3 turquoise ones. The other 2 are Pigeon Bloods that have no outward evidence of infection, but behaved very sickly.

They are all eating, but very little. Stools appear normal. 2 days into the melafix, the Turquoise have much better color and are starting to act more outgoing. One of the PBs now has outward signs of fingus or ick- some sort of fuzzy thing, but is behaving a bit better as well. The other PB still doesn't *look* sick, but *acts* sick. (Except in the early evening, when all 5 fish have always been out and about, regardless of their behavior through the rest of the day- wierd?)

The scary thing is that there were zillions of little white specks crawling around on the glass yesterday!

Took a water sample, and the LFS diagnosed it as "thread worms", which appear to be some sort of skin fluke. LFS said he's seen this pattern before, and its actually a sign that the fish have expelled the parasites and are healing, but suggested a salt treatment to help things along.

Salt treatment is now in progress.

All fish will eat live brine, but haven't shown much interest in flake or the frozen mix that their previous owner fed them. I've seen one or two of them picking food off the bottom on occaision. (Some of the Turqs also might have very early stages of HITH- another reason I want to up the vitamin intake.)

Right now I'm feeding small amounts of live BS once a day, and equally small amounts of flake a couple of different times a day. I'll add a small serving of the frozen to the regimen pretty soon, and I'm siphoning uneaten food and debris off the bottom every morning. Sound about right?

All in all they seem to be improving, and have scared me into using a very disciplined quarintine regimen in the future. (Cheap lesson! (-:)

03-09-2004, 02:27 PM

IMO the best stuff out there is by KENT it is called ZOE. I use it religously.Other people dont agree with the whole vitamin stuff but work for me ;D
I soak my frozen foods overnite before feeding them, in your case soak those badboys for a good 2-3hrs. :)

03-09-2004, 03:21 PM
Live brine shrimp are a great way to get nutrition and meds into your Discus.

If you feed live brine shrimp to your Discus twice a week, your odds of ever have a hex infection go way down. The brine shrimp act as "natures little broom" and help keep things moving. This is especially true if you feed lots of CBW or tubifex.

You can enrich the brine shrimp before feeding with this -


Put 1 or 2 ml in the bowl of live brine shrimp and wait at least 3 hours before feeding to your fish. You can also soak dry foods with it.

Dumping metronidazole into the tank to treat hex is pretty much useless if your fish are not eating well. You can make a 1% solution of Metro and then add the brine shrimp to the solution and feed to your Discus as soon as the brine shrimp start to die off. This method works much, much better than adding Metro to the tank water.

03-10-2004, 01:10 AM
Kent Marine makes many fine products. I have used many over the years. However, save your money on the Zoe vitamins and buy regular liquid baby vitamins.

Feeding other foods will not stress your discus. Try some Hikari bloodworms.

03-10-2004, 01:53 PM
Feeding other foods will not stress your discus.

As long as they'll eat them... Which is my main concern with training a new food right now-- they're eating the brine but not eating much else.

I realize the need to teach them to eat other things, but if they're going to be stubborn about it and starve themselves waiting for the yummy stuff I'd rather they were in better health first.

(Speaking of which, the turks are looking better and better. Lost the smaller PB last night. Bigger PB is still touch and go, he won't come out when I'm in the room, so I can't tell if he's eating yet.)

03-12-2004, 02:55 AM
A discus will not starve itself. ;)

03-12-2004, 12:01 PM
A discus will not starve itself.

Even if he's sick enough that he doesn't feel like eating? For the first 5 days, I offered flake, beef heart, Wattly's frozen discus chow, and live brine. AFAIK nothing but the brine was touched- and it's not like they were getting so much brine they weren't hungry...

I've been *very* concerned they'd not eat enough flake to get healthy...

03-12-2004, 12:10 PM
Feeding other foods will not stress your discus.

As long as they'll eat them...

Which they did! Wahoo!

On your advice I grabbed some frozen Bloodworms. They still won't come out when they know I'm around, but if they don't notice me all 4 will attack the stuff. Looks like they're rounding the corner. Color and behavior (when I'm unobserved) are both improving- even on the PB.

So the task now becomes getting them used to the routine and my presence... I'll be trying to stick closely to a daily schedule for the next 3-4 weeks, then hopefully they'll be ready for the show tank.