View Full Version : 2 dead bristlenose plecos ?why

03-09-2004, 05:57 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on why two bristlenose plecos, in 2 different tanks, that I have had for about 1 month both died within a week of each other? They both seemed fine up until I found them dead. The other fish in the tanks are mostly discus and a few tetra-type fish. Thanks.

03-09-2004, 06:38 PM
Best guess would be somth'n internal that took a while...I think pleco's are pretty resistant to hexamita...but you may want to look into that...

03-10-2004, 10:20 AM
One month sounds about right for a pleco to starve to death - were these guys not eating or under stress at all? If you got the two of them at the same time and they died in different tanks, it's possible there was some problem along those lines.


03-10-2004, 08:23 PM
They seemed to be eating fine...I gave them pellet food as well as the algae they ate off the glass. I had one in a planted tank, and he also liked to eat on the plants (which I wasn't too crazy about). One of them after he died, one of his gills seemed to turn inside out...that looked wierd.
I bought two new regular plecos today. They are pretty small ones. I am hoping they don't decide to suck on my discus fish! I had that trouble with a chinese algae eater before.