View Full Version : Dream confessions...

03-11-2004, 11:25 AM
Okay everyone,

Fess up... who dreams of Discus out there when they sleep at night? Do thoughts of discus run rampant thru your dreams? thoughts of your next fish purchase, or those fry soon to freeswim?

Just curious how many out there are so obsessed that even when sleeping Discus are on their mind.


03-11-2004, 11:58 AM
I dream about discus all the time. At least once a week.

Before I had my new water storage unit, I used to dream about floods a lot as well. Or flooded rooms with discus swimming about...

Which was actually pretty cool.


03-11-2004, 12:00 PM
Well I do have to confess...sometimes when the lotto is huge I dream of willing then start planning the perfect fishroom..when money is no object and you could fly in experts from around the world and buy all the latest gagets,it's cool to see how deep ya can go.
I don't really dream about fish,at least I don't think I do...just building fishrooms...


03-11-2004, 12:10 PM
You arent the only one~! I dream about angels & discus quite often now, but thats because I'm a bit stressed over trying to put together a fish room & feeling a bit lost sometimes. I'll start to plan things out before bed & next thing I know I'm dreaming about it lol


03-11-2004, 12:24 PM
I have vivid dreams every night that I remember in the morning. One of my recurring dreams is my discus get out of their tanks and can swim thru the air. So I have schools of discus (and other fish) swimming around my house. I know that sounds kinda weird - but hey thats me ! ;D


03-11-2004, 12:31 PM
Glad to see Im not the only one. My dream discus turn into dinosaur size fish with legs and run thru the forest.

03-11-2004, 12:39 PM
Hmmm I have not dreamed about fish yet....:( Does that mean my addiction is not deep enough.

Alright quick someone send me more fish and more tanks.


03-11-2004, 01:01 PM
It happens all the time ;D

03-11-2004, 01:55 PM
Do you have ESP or what? Last night I dreamed I was trying to do a w/c and the phone wouldn't stop ringing. Call after call. I kept saying I had to go, then another call. Must be drilled into subconcious. lol

03-11-2004, 05:32 PM
one recurring discus dream I have...( no freudian analysis please ;D)

I walk into a room that has a truly giant cube tank...more like an aviary in size, floor to ceiliing, 20'x20'x20' kind of thing...& huge discus are swimming in the air in this tank, over a foot long & fat.....& they have a weird recurring geometric wallpaper like pattern that I recall from livingroom wallpaper when I was growing up at home....I can;t find big enough bags....but finally i do...& just as I am about to bag them all to take home i always wake up

one day they will actually be in my tanks when i wake up
:-\ :-\ :-\

03-11-2004, 06:21 PM
we had a discussion like this on the angelfish forum 2 I believe and one dream many people had in common is there angelfish out of the tanks flying around the room, and they try to catch them frantically, until they realize that the angelfish are happy & watch them fly.. I havent had this one yet, but its pretty strange how so many people have near the same dream

03-11-2004, 07:35 PM
For you flying discus folks...

heres a strain I have been working on the last year...

My dreams... well I'd say discus fill most of them, course there are always the more human ones as well.... ;) thank fully you can dream up hours in a few real time minutes....

one of my favorite Discus dreams is one where I am shown a room full of discus tanks...huge massive fish...all shaped to perfection and I am given a net to catch to my hearts content...... and as I drive way from the place with all these beauties, I realize I was never asked for any money? ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D


03-11-2004, 08:08 PM
Well I do have to confess...sometimes when the lotto is huge I dream of willing then start planning the perfect fishroom..when money is no object and you could fly in experts from around the world and buy all the latest gagets,it's cool to see how deep ya can go.
I don't really dream about fish,at least I don't think I do...just building fishrooms...


mench, all you have to do is visit discus kc!!!

03-11-2004, 08:36 PM
Me too! Idream that the tanks are so clear it seems like there is no water and then I realize that there isn't! Next the fish are swimming around through the air in the house.... The disus are so vibrantly colored and thick, perfectly round but...I can never seem to catch all of them to put in the tanks.. some of them just out of reach.. I don't think I need n analyst to figure this oneout!!!
Hey DW.... you weren't smoking before that dream were you?!?! ;)

03-11-2004, 10:44 PM
ok your all wierdos. lol.
of course i dont dream of discus. ive heard many including me say they dream their fish are floating in the air out of their tanks and you need to put them back in their tanks.
ok i have had this dream many times..
Henry...!!!!!!!!!!! what the heck is the matter with you!! get dreaming ...or no new fish for you!!

03-11-2004, 10:49 PM
Ya.... RIGHT! ::) like I am going to tell you all what I dream about!! :o ;)
Nice try tho al...... :P :P :P
Nah...not even in the height of my fish insanity I never had dreams about my fish... I figure if I start having dreams about fish I will seriously "UP MY MEDS!" that or fire Brandon! ;) :D :D :D

The wall paper thing David.... I was ROTFLMAO!!

K :gorgeous:

03-12-2004, 12:34 AM
I have the same dreams as some of you where wild discus swim through the air without water, even had one where I was driving in the rocky mountains by Boulder, CO. and discus were swimming along the road up the mountain. Ok, who's the dream interpreter?

03-12-2004, 01:48 AM
Glad to see Im not the only one. My dream discus turn into dinosaur size fish with legs and run thru the forest.

Ditto! ;D But they were entering my bedroom door!
I also have dreams like Mench's too and Dave's. Funny.

P.S. Nice imagery Al. Don't forget to get Kerry to add that one to the house image (flying around your castle in the sky or mars). ;D;D

03-12-2004, 02:01 AM
i don't recall ever dreaming about the fish but sometimes i catch myself daydreaming about jacks setup and pairs ;D

03-12-2004, 04:34 AM
Glad i'm not the only one who dreams about discus, one i remember is a huge rainwater tank with a glass veiwing panel filled with discus colored like a marine false royal gramma...that is hot pink in the front half and bright yellow in the rear. ;D

03-12-2004, 05:04 AM
Mine are more like nightmares, like tanks overflowing,flooding out the house, or being stuck in traffic with a box of fish I just picked up at the airport, dumb stuff like that.

03-12-2004, 10:14 AM
:bounce2: :bounce2: Al, you're doing it again!!!!!! Get some sleep, guy!

Dreams?? nope, like Henry, I don't dream 'bout discus, or fish or..........
Guess there's something wrong with me huh?? Not addicted enough?? Yeah...right!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, Dottie ::) ::) ::) ::)

03-12-2004, 10:54 AM
Dreams from the past included flooding out the dining room and the fish room, unfortunately they all have come true eventually. Dreaming that someone has poisoned the fish rooms, after Rod's gasoline issues.This has been my worst nightmare on and off. I have come to believe it is just paranoia, so I put deadbolts on the external Discus Room door. Finally, those dreams subsided.

No too much dreaming going on here right now, lots of WC.

Al you have a beautiful fish room, do you sleep there??? Sometime I sleep in the Family Room where I can hear all the bubbles from the Angelfish room. Those bubbles are very soothing for a good nights sleep and I have encountered less dreaming and more solid sleeping...

The bigger the operation the larger far-fetched the dreams can be--- we are just addicts.

Thank god they are only dreams,

03-12-2004, 11:54 PM
What would Freud have to say about all these "wet dreams" ?

I wonder...............................

03-13-2004, 12:00 AM
Only dream I have is did I leave the water running :o

03-13-2004, 12:01 AM
For those of you who dont dream discus, you must be verifiably insane.. or maybe us dreamers are.... hrrrrmmmm ;D

I'd take my fish nightmares any day over some of my real life nightmares ::)

03-13-2004, 02:27 AM
Hi all,
Al, great question!.......But what's a dream......Is that when your brain plays the imagination game when you get to sleep, cause I wouldn't know ;D Anyway, my dream I have is that I'm in the Amazon exploring all the tributaries, lakes, etc (of course I can fly through the air on a whim and transport to anywhere instantly) and all water params are posted on the trees for easy reading/recording/research. I'm netting the most beautiful new, undiscovered species, then letting them go with an ear to ear smile on my face as they swim to freedom.......Then I am suddenly in school in my underwear ;D hahahaha. Ok, really it's everything BUTT(no pun intended) the school part! Keep 'em coming, people, this is a good topic.


03-13-2004, 09:10 AM
geez Rod, you sure have some vivid dreams - what are you on - lol :D

I have all sorts of dreams but Im like some of the others - I dream my fish are "swimming' in the air sometimes. Some nights i dream Im sneaking through Rods fish room, pinching fish :D

last week tho, i was having weird dreams - one night I dreamed i was a tent :o The next night i was a real flash marquee, the next night Im a tent again, then a marquee etc :o

i went to see a shrink, i explained it all to him about being a tent and then a marquee and he said

"Kerry, you are too tense" :crazy:

Brew youve gotta get sleep, Ive put your kids to bed, so get the animals inside and get to bed. :D


03-13-2004, 10:38 AM
I do too.....
but only the females...... ;D

03-13-2004, 12:43 PM
Wow Kerry --
How did you get a picture of my house?

Ok, I admit it, I HAVE dreamed of discus, but really-- only when I'm looking forward to getting some new ones.
Then I keep picturing them in my dreams & actually comparing them to discus I've seen posted & wondering if I'd doing the right thing by getting the ones I picked.

Gee, can you tell what kind of childhood I had? LOLOL

03-13-2004, 04:18 PM
LOL Donna - thats Castle De Brew !!!!

is yours the same ?????

Kerry :)

03-13-2004, 04:56 PM
Well Kerry,
Looks like my place to me!
Dogs, cats, flying discus, LOL


03-13-2004, 08:24 PM