View Full Version : Please check your computers

03-21-2004, 10:26 PM
Please everyone help us all out. I don't know who's computer has a virus on it but the program has been colecting Email address from here or one of the other Discus forums I visit. Please either go out and buy a good antivirus or update yours. Today I got a returned Email that was sent to Roy Khoo and the sender (Virus) used my Email address as the sender. Of course the mail had an attachement with a virus and it was sent back to sender which looks like me but wasn't me. Here is what I got back for something I never sent. I already had a few people complain to me about Porn that I been sending but really havent. If this don't stop I am going to have to change my email address again and won't list it again.
This message has been rejected because it has
a potentially executable attachment "yours.pif"
This form of attachment has been used by
recent viruses or other malware.
If you meant to send this file then please
package it up as a zip file and resend it.

From: discusgeo2@netscape.net
To: roykhoo@discusconnexion.com
Subject: Re: Here
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 09:10:05 +0800
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;

03-21-2004, 11:32 PM
Hi, DiscusGeo:

I've been deleting these emails. It's a program that someone is using that copies all email addresses on forums such as Simply and the "sabbotagers" launch the program once capture is done.

The best thing to do is just continue to delete...delete...delete...

I've got virus software running constantly (making the PC slower in mem), but even this program can get corrupted and may even bypass emails with viral attachments.

best of luck

03-22-2004, 02:27 AM

It's probably one of the W32.Netsky.K@mm or W32.Netsky.D@mm or one of the other Netsky email worms on someone's PC:

(you'll have to type in the full URL - the @ is messing with the forum's software so the link won't work if you click on it - yeah, I know "whine, whine, whine" >:( - you can also go to symantec's norton website, look on the list of outbreaks, and chose to look at the multiple Netsky worms):


W32.Netsky.K@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses it finds when scanning hard drives and mapped drives.

The "sender" of the email is spoofed, and its subject, message body, and attachment vary. The attachment has a .pif extension.

Symantec (makers of Norton Anti-virus) has posted a removal tool on those webpages (one for each) listed above.

So anyone with both your email address and Roy's in their email address book could be the potential sender whose PC is unknowingly infected. BTW, I don't have your email address!!! ;D ;D ;D)



03-22-2004, 07:24 AM
Thanks for that link Wahter. I my self run Norton Antivirus 2004 and it's checks for update's each time my computer is turned on. I also run Spybot and PestPatrol just in case that cookie someone sends out gets deleted real quick. Irun PestPartol before I connect to the internet. I always disconnect my computer from the router at night as I do have a high speed connection.

03-29-2004, 10:53 AM

I received an email virus this morning... the kicker is... the email showed that the sender was ME!

I use PestPatrol, Spybot, Ad-Aware, and McAfee. I also use Mail Washer to preview any mail before it is downloaded to my computer.


03-30-2004, 01:06 PM
The way these new viruses and worms work is that they scan the addresses in a person's email address list, then they send out messages (with infected attachments) to each person on that list and they they chose one (or more) of the addresses as the identity of the sender. So if you get these messages, it could be from anyone who has your email address in their address list and it's difficult to figure out who was the trigger happy "I can't resist the urge to open all email attachments without scanning for viruses" person who got infected.

I intentionally use a yahoo.com account for a couple of reasons:

1.) yahoo scans/ lets you scan the email attachments for viruses/ worms

2.) even if I switch to a different Internet Service Provider (such as ATT Worldnet, Earthlink, etc...), I can keep the same email address at yahoo.com