View Full Version : new 3ft planted

03-22-2004, 05:07 AM
just set this up to experiment on planted tanks.
if it works out fine, will probably do a 170G planted for discus in 3-4 months time. ;D

3ft setup on 05 march 2004.

hydor prime 20 external canister filter
filter wool (coarse and fine with biohome in between)
surface skimmer
2fans ~ temp 27-28 during lights on (maybe add another fan to bring down temp further)
base fert with normal 2-3 mm gravel on top.
root tabs inserted all over for added fert as base fert added was on the low side.
ph 6.5-6.8 kh 4
122 watts (PL) 10 hrs
co2 cylinder type using internal reactor 2-3 bps (soleniod)
just started liquid fert dosing today using easylife pro-fito (weekly dose)

the lotus leaves has holes due to mishandling during transfer from a 2ft planted that i tore down.

40+ cardinals
20 rummy nose
6 rainbow fish
8 gobies
50+ shrimps
2 rams
10 badi badis
10 guppies
8 otos
4 cories
4 pencil fishes

yah i know , no discus at the moment :P

03-22-2004, 08:59 PM
Looks good! And you even have an empty front for your future discus to feed! :)

I'm upgrading from 2ft to 3ft as well. I'm waiting for the tank to be delivered soon (probably mid to late this week). Do you have any tips on things to look out for during the "move" ? ;D


03-22-2004, 11:07 PM
That's a gorgeous tank Melvin! You've done a great job mixing and contrasting all the different shapes and colors of your plants. What's impressed me the most is the fullness of the foliage even now in the beginning. I find it really difficult to pull off an aquascape at one single time. I usually have to let things grow and do some tweaking over the period of a few months to get it just right. You've done a very good job with your initial aquascape.

The one thing to watch out for is space. With all those plants in there your fish may not have enough room to turn around easily. I'd wait for the plants to mature before adding discus just to make sure there will be room for adults in there.

Thank you for posting your pic here, all planted tanks are welcome, even if they don't have discus. Although, tanks with discus are preferred. :)


03-23-2004, 01:17 AM
Wonderful looking tank. I like the juxtaposition of colors. Comploments also to your lighting for the picture. Great job!

08-08-2004, 11:34 PM
was frustrated with the need to constantly trim and maintain the plants so did a rescape in june.
here's how it looks like now, with the addition of 2 melons and 2 checkerboards discus sizes around 5inch.

08-08-2004, 11:37 PM
:o I like very much!

Beautiful planted tank,

08-09-2004, 09:19 AM
Very nice Melvin.

08-09-2004, 08:50 PM
Great job Melvin, I like it!!!!

08-10-2004, 08:15 AM
Excellent, Melvin. That's one gorgeous tank.


08-11-2004, 12:44 PM
Very nice! ;D

08-12-2004, 06:54 AM