View Full Version : Hey guys, new here :)

03-23-2004, 02:10 AM
Hey i'm chris,
don't know much about discus but my girlfriend is getting me pretty interested in them. she is on this site too and told me about it (ham helper). right now we are trying to get enough money together to possible start a future small hatchery. looks like we are gonna have to sell a few things to be able to afford it lol. right now we have 17 dime size babies she got from work and are getting another 7 2.5 -3 inchers from jeff. I know she is gonna make me obsessed with these things just like here oh no .... lol
Nice to meet you all, hope to talk to you soon :)

03-23-2004, 02:14 AM
Haha, the discus will get you addicted alright...no way around it.

Don't jump right into a hatchery yet, though, spend a year growing out them babies and getting used to discus..breeding em' is a whole new ball game...

03-23-2004, 02:18 AM
well it's pretty much her idea but i'm getting really interested. Kim is the one who actually knows what she'd doing right now but i'm learning every day lol

03-23-2004, 02:25 AM
Even better, always nice to have a mentor that can look at your discus first hand :)

03-23-2004, 03:15 AM
Sounds like a great project if you are both interested!
Don’t expect to jump in and start selling little ones!
You will have a year invested, before fry are ready to breed.
If you make it through the trials and tribulations, of that year,
Then go for it!

My goal, was just to raise one batch, so I could brag and say I have done it all.
It has been over two years, and I now have fry about a week old, feeding off the parents.
Have made it to this stage a couple of times, so not counting the chickens yet.
Have several pair, that have been spawning for over a year, but something always happens.

I’m sure there is some one out there who has made money with these things, but if you are expecting to make a dollar, I would plant tomatoes!

Just enjoy the fish - and have fun - ;D ;D
