View Full Version : Ocean Nutrition Cichlid Omni Formula

03-26-2004, 10:20 PM
I went to the petshop today to get either ONF1 or ONF2, unfortunately they didn't have either. Not wanting to risk going home emptyhanded to face a tank full of discus; swimming in a picketline, with the 'WE WANT FOOD' sign. I had the choice of either Ocean Nutrition's 'Community Formula' or their "Cichlid Omni Formula"....Ther word 'cichlid' on the lable seemed like a dead give away, and the 'Guaranteed Analysis' is similar to ONF1 eg: 'Crude Protine(min) 53% etc....'
I bought it and must say damm discus are sometimes picky fish, it took a while for them to notice it but they pecked alittle , not like the first time they got ONF1. As for my Anglefishes they still won't even as much as look at it. The flakes are three colored and not as large as the ONf1 flakes and are also crisper the ONf1.
That when I realised they lable 'Scientificaly formulated for omnivorous and predatory AFRICAN cichlids and othe omnivorous freshwater fish'

Anyone else ever used this stuff / any comments ?

03-27-2004, 02:23 AM
It just contains a lot more spirulina as african's can't handle meaty diets as well..