View Full Version : My first S/S's colouring up! :-)

03-27-2004, 07:14 AM
Hallo all,

I thought I'd post up a picture of my juvenile snakeskin, who's just started colouring up.

The colour between his eyes and the start of his dorsal fin was already nice and blue. But the "face" markings, and the colours on his top and bottom fins are all from the last few weeks.

He's going to be a very, very pretty fish when he grows up ;-)


03-27-2004, 07:19 AM
Better fin shot

03-27-2004, 11:16 AM
Very nice looking ss! How old is he?

03-27-2004, 07:54 PM
Hey John, I have one from Cary Strong at GreatLakesDiscus that looks just like that!...Blue base, same size, and is just starting to color up like yours...Mine is gonna be sweet also when it gets larger...Awesome shape to it!


03-27-2004, 08:13 PM
Heya guys,

Thanks for your kind comments! He's fast becoming my favourite ;-)

The S/S came from Rod Lewis, local discus Dude. For the love of all that is holy, look Rod up if you're looking for some nice juveniles, especially if you're Australian :-)

Tony, I'm not sure of his age - I got him from Rod at about 2" length, and I've had him about two months. He's the second biggest of the juveniles in my tank - just behind "Beefcake" the (relatively) monster red turq.

Funny thing is in spite of his size, he's (or she's.. i have no idea..) fairly placid, and gets somewhat picked on by the smallest discus in the school, a very plucky RSG.

As a first discus owner, I'm having a ball watching these guys grow up. They're stunning fish, and have such interesting behaviours.


03-27-2004, 08:18 PM
Here's another one I took the same night. These guys also came from Rod.

The blue turq was bred by Rod, and the white diamond was recently imported when I got him. Both happy and healthy, and the colours on the BT are getting brighter every day. They're both around the 2 1/2" mark now.


03-27-2004, 08:59 PM
Hi John,

Very nice discus and most important, you get them from the right guy ;D :)
I have some of his babies in my tanks :) All the way from Brisbane to Perth ;)

Btw, what camera do you use ? Very nice pictures. Looks like the fish is on the air ;D

Ronny :)

03-28-2004, 04:14 AM
G'day Ronny,

It's an old Sony Mavica FD83. The FD stands for "floppy disc" which is the one thing I hate about it.

Other than that, it's a 1 megapixel camera, with a 3x optical lens, and better-than-most optics. It belongs to a mate of mine.

Goes to show that with decent quality optics, you don't need to use obscene resolutions to get a good photograph ;-)

What kinds of discus do you have from Rod? And what age are they?


03-28-2004, 03:42 PM
Hi John,

I have 12 discus from Rod, 7 mandarin passions and 5 large blue diamonds. I dont know what age ;D.
I will get pictures oneday. I dont have camera ;D, need to borrow one first :)


03-28-2004, 06:06 PM
luv the snowflake

03-29-2004, 12:00 AM
john, they look awesome...

rod's fish will always be quality fish


03-29-2004, 12:33 AM
Beautiful fish and the perfect internet camera. My brother in law has one and he gets great macro pics from it.

04-02-2004, 10:53 PM
May I ask who this Rod guy is and if he ships discus to Adelaide? Does he have a website? Thanks

04-02-2004, 11:28 PM
Hi Himbo,

You can find Rod's details here:
Send him email or Private Message (PM).

Yes, he will ship to Adelaide coz he ships to me (Perth) ;D

Ronny :)

04-03-2004, 06:35 AM
Hi Himbo,

Drop me a line or give me a call on 07 3890 3108 if you like, always happy to talk discus or any fishy subject actually ;D
