View Full Version : Feedback needed- All sorts of problems

03-28-2004, 12:00 AM
Hope you all can help. My heater went a few weeks ago and heat was off for about 12 hours. Since I got a new heater, I have not been able to keep the water clear. I got a new filter (aquaclear) today. I seem to have one blue panda who is beginning to get dark, cloudy eyes, hanging in the back of the tank. I also seem to have some mucus around. Also have those small parasites at bottom of tank.

I have tried salt and formalin. The water is still cloudy and the parasites remain. I have a 55 gallon tank with 6 discus (medium size).
PH is around 6.5
Ammonia is very low
Temperature is around 85
I am doing regular water changes
I have had the fish for about a year

I am truly stumped here. All fish except for the blue panda eat well and don't seem to be disturbed by the cloudy water.

03-28-2004, 01:21 AM
What do you mean "not clear"

White haze is bacteria, green haze is algea.

Are ammonia and nitrite zero?

03-28-2004, 09:04 AM
I think the formalin impaired the filter bacteria, then the new filter is not established yet.

Wc's wc's wc's.
Less feed

keep the filters clean ( in used tank water squeeze the sponges)

as Carol said, test nitrites